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Js wordy

AT THE WINE CONTEST I WAS JUST IN ,there were two blueberry wines ,none were as well rounded as the blue berry bliss from js wordy,also about 10 carameres,(i know I didn't spell that correct)none of them came close to Rocky's,this was a very hard contest to win but placed or win you both had a excellent chance,and Steve Riesling would have definitely placed high ,much better then the 6 that were there.wade I remember your amarone,it would have knot ther socks off....theres a lot of good wine makers on this site.

I entered 4 wines only one placed the others didn't show up on the judges charts for scoring,that's how tough they were but my coffee port took top honors winning 1st.placed judges choice and best of show(267 wine in contest)...........:ts

foot note: I got a refund from ups for the package that got squashed trying to get to the Missouri contest.the gods of grapes was watching out for me:db
"I entered 4 wines only one placed the others didn't show up on the judges charts for scoring,that's how tough they were but my coffee port took top honors winning 1st.placed judges choice and best of show(267 wine in contest)"

Congratulations on the "Best of Show" award Joe. It doesn't get any better than that. Way to go!
Congrats, Joeswine, for "Best of Show" for the coffee port. I've had the pleasure of tasting that coffee port and it was really very good.

I've recently tried a Joe's "Long Island Iced Tea" wine and I was pretty surprised that it tastes just like a LLIT. My husband and I used to order a LLIT every restaurant we went to to try and compare who had the best. Joeswine's Long Island Iced Tea Wine could give some of the drinks I've had at a restaurant a run for it's money. Pretty neat how you can make a wine taste like a mixed drink!

While I am here giving reviews I could not forget to mention that Joe recently recieved a bottle of Barolo from Shoebiedoo and let me taste it tonight. I really enjoy red wines and this one I liked very much. It went down smooth, had a nice aroma, and all around I thought is a good wine.

Kudos to Joeswine and Shoebiedoo!
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Congrats, Joeswine, for "Best of Show" for the coffee port. I've had the pleasure of tasting that coffee port and it was really very good.

I've recently tried a Joe's "Long Island Iced Tea" wine and I was pretty surprised that it tastes just like a LLIT. My husband and I used to order a LLIT every restaurant we went to to try and compare who had the best. Joeswine's Long Island Iced Tea Wine could give some of the drinks I've had at a restaurant a run for it's money. Pretty neat how you can make a wine taste like a mixed drink!

While I am here giving reviews I could not forget to mention that Joe recently recieved a bottle of Barolo from Shoebiedoo and let me taste it tonight. I really enjoy red wines and this one I liked very much. It went down smooth, had a nice aroma, and all around I thought is a good wine.

Kudos to Joeswine and Shoebiedoo!

Thanks for the kind words!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it :hg
I've recently tried a Joe's "Long Island Iced Tea" wine and I was pretty surprised that it tastes just like a LLIT. My husband and I used to order a LLIT every restaurant we went to to try and compare who had the best. Joeswine's Long Island Iced Tea Wine could give some of the drinks I've had at a restaurant a run for it's money. Pretty neat how you can make a wine taste like a mixed drink!

Would you or Joe like to share more, or the recipe, for the LLIT wine? Me love some Long Islands.
Barolo, nice job steve it is well-rounded has a good flavor front and backend, little light on legs but I think this will come around in time if you can give it the time, to let it be all it can be ,noticed it was tagged 2011, was the year you bottled it ?. If so if you can let it set one more year . It will be a very good wine ,. All in all, it was the kind of wine you can just sit back- have a plate of pasta with and not even think about it,. It went down that smooth, ready for the next swap? P
Congratulations on the "best of show" for the coffee port, Joe. I had about a bottle and half from adding the f-pac and brandy earlier. They were really really good. I've been really busy lately and have not bottled mine yet. That's one of my jobs for tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
Coffee port

Let me know how yours turns out with the Brandy, I did not had any Brandy to mine what I did is boosting ABV up in the beginning to 1.11 this game your the alcohol I need balance out the F pack what I also did compromise the kit and added 4 tablespoons of instant coffee along with 4 tablespoons of Oak tannin this added more mouth feel to the finished product the balance of the wine was always there what I did is in enhance the attributes. This was a tough contest to win and thank you for the congrats good luck with yours ................... respectfully JP:u S

All I'm saying is, Dan do you have any more of this? :h
Let me know how yours turns out with the Brandy, I did not had any Brandy to mine what I did is boosting ABV up in the beginning to 1.11 this game your the alcohol I need balance out the F pack what I also did compromise the kit and added 4 tablespoons of instant coffee along with 4 tablespoons of Oak tannin this added more mouth feel to the finished product the balance of the wine was always there what I did is in enhance the attributes. This was a tough contest to win and thank you for the congrats good luck with yours ................... respectfully JP:u S
I'm sorry Joe I missed your post. You warned in one of your earlier posts to be careful with the brandy addition. I think I added slightly too much brandy. I can taste it and it overpowers the coffee flavor some. It's still very good but could be better. The alcohol (abv of 18.5%) is where I want it. Boosting the SG at the beginning is a pretty good idea to boost the alcohol content using a yeast that can handle the higher alcohol. The instant coffee idea is very interesting and I may open a few bottles to add a slight bit to see if I can boost the coffee taste. I did add coffee beans to about 5 bottles to see if the coffee taste can be boosted in that way. Adding oak is something I didn't consider. If this kit is offered again next year, I will make it better using what we learned on this one.
Julie I do have a bunch of it. You're more then welcome to some.

Get a load of this. I have someone wanting me to make a batch of Skittle wine for thier wedding.

Skittle wine????? Oh Dear Lord!

For those who have not tasted Dan's Frenzy, it is an apple wine w/spices, honey and maple. This is full flavor, there is not mistaking the apple, honey and maple in this and the spices are just a hint. Great mouthfeel.

Where you not on the swap list with us? If so I have a 375 bottle to sent you, I liked taste how the Brandy set up in yours and you will see how my composition enhance this basic wine port.

Let me know? Yours respectfully JP:i
I think you are right, Joe. I will get a 375 ml bottle of the Coffee Port out to you. I would like to compare the difference. PM your address to me.
All I'm saying is, Dan do you have any more of this? :h

I've been looking at my bottle of Frenzy. Sounds like I need to pop it!

Dan, my wife (and I) loved your cranberry wine. Is it from a special recipe, or is it from frozen concentrate? I've been wanting to try a batch of cranberry and save it back for Thanksgiving. Yours is very good!

Please, do share!....the recipe, that is! :br

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