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Today getting my first taste of grapes! :-D One of my husband's coworkers is crushing his grapes today and invited us over...... I've never seen wine-making straight from grapes before so I can't wait!

Sarah, make sure you taste the juice. It may look brown and disgusting or it may look good, either way taste it. We do this at every press and I am amazed at how good some of the grapes are I never even heard of.

The winemaker goes out into the farmers vineyards each morning taking random samples of grapes and brings them back in gallon ziplock bags. It is may job to press them by hand and run the ph, brix and ta tests on them. Then I taste the juice and add any additional comments I might have including the color of seeds if they are white or greenish.
Wentto my daughters soccer practice today. she didnt' want to play. I sat on a stone wall and cracked the screen on my phone. Had to go to the ATT store and get another. Picked up the HTC Inspire. Now to figure out the phone.
Harvested my grapes today, sorted and froze them.

Niagara- 3.4#
Worden- 4.10# (purple)

Bottled 86 bottles of wine.

Hubby picking raspberries and I'll make a pie.

Went to dump, did grocery shopping ($335!!!), and then just finished raking up all these dang hickory nuts falling from the 2 trees in my front yard that make it so bad you cant walk in the driveway or the front yard without breaking your ankles!!! 14 wheel barrels full and the trees arent done yet. Its a bumper crop year as we didnt have any nuts last year. Man I cant wait to have enough money to cut these 2 trees down someday!
well just got home ran across a deal on peaches at $.50 a pound got 91 pounds worth they of course weighed them all instead of doing the box price hppmtt you'd think they'd believe me when 2 boxes should weigh 56 pounds seems might hold thier weight good lol now how many do I need to use for 5 gallon of wine and the rest will be canned
well just got home ran across a deal on peaches at $.50 a pound got 91 pounds worth they of course weighed them all instead of doing the box price hppmtt you'd think they'd believe me when 2 boxes should weigh 56 pounds seems might hold thier weight good lol now how many do I need to use for 5 gallon of wine and the rest will be canned

Figure 30# + 20-30% FOR A F-PAC
Mixed on my chocolate raspberry port. Waiting for it to warm up and I'll pitch yeast probably tomorrow morning.
Finished digging the last five rolls of potatoes now tomorrow afternoon I will go out to a local vineyard and pick some grapes and put into the freezer until I can process them.
my first time back to Bolivar Penensula since hurricane Ike took out over 60% of all structures.
well figured julie would've posted pics from today but so far hadn't seen any
well figured julie would've posted pics from today but so far hadn't seen any

Well Eddie I got busy, lol, remember me saying I was going to meet up with my cousin, I never got on last night.

Picked muscadines with Sirs yesterday morning, it was great, it was not too hot and holy cow are there a lot of grapes on those vines.

Headed home will post up a couple of pics tonight.

I'm off down the allotment to finish the sides of a THREE BAY compost bin. I need more pallets for the front and top, then I'll be ready for all the ex-veg from the big pre-winter tidy up. :i Cheers, Tony.
Bottling my Dunkelweizen today and maybe transferring two batches of Skeeter Pee to their secondaries.
hey you gotta admit he does get some good deals I know I talk people into most of mine not sure how he gets his.......lol
oh julie blah blah blah busy busy busy.....lol I remember you talking about going to visit hope you had fun
Flem! You live in PA and you come to Ohio to go camping?! Are you crazy?!!!

Dave, the Ohio State parks are so much nicer than PA's. Besides, we have relatives coming from Lancaster so its about half way for each of us.