I had a semi-leisurely day today. I only had to get things ready for my wife's celbration today. Started with a Birthday Cake, complete with a butter creme frosting for a homemade carrot cake. I followed that with going and getting plenty of babyback ribs, dogs, burgers and chicken. I tended the tasting room all afternoon and then shut early at 5:00. I then grilled everything and we all enjoyed some peaceful quiet time. Oh, I also mowed the vineyard.
For me at least it was quiet after doing 4 farmers markets in 3 days. The two in one was on Friday which was our 33rd Anniversery. (We went out the evening before in anicipation of me having the narkets and getting done at 8:0 after 14 hours). Maybe I should clarify this and say I am a vendor and not just visiting them. I am beginning to feel like a traveling gypsy or carnie. By the way I will be adding another on this Wed.Tomorrow I need to do a couple bottling runs to replace sold out wines.
Edit: Maybe I should edit this post so you guys don't confuse me with Wade! (all the typos).