What are you eating today?

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Italian sausage/potato calzone, steamed corn, and empty the partial bottles of wine from yesterdays Christmas party.
cooked up a meat loaf with baked potatoe on the side for supper
Leftovers: Honey-baked ham, fried turkey, gumbo, shrimp-corn soup, lots of other stuff... more sweets than I could list (personally, ! don't eat them anyway).
Eating some chicken lip dip with home made chips.

Are any of you familiar with Chicken Lips or Chicken lip dip? They are a big hit in the midwest. Actually there has been a few shops opened up that only sell chicken lips. They are good!

Ill post recipe in recipe thread
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This evening we'll be having spaghetti with Redtrk's homemade sauce and a bottle of djrockinsteve's Merlot. Ahhhh!, it doesn't get any better than this.


This evening we'll be having spaghetti with Redtrk's homemade sauce and a bottle of djrockinsteve's Merlot. Ahhhh!, it doesn't get any better than this. Mike

That doesn't sound bad. I was just thinking what can I make for dinner tonight. Toss in some garlic cheese bread and you got yourself a meal. Great idea.
Well, dinner is over. Redtrk's spaghetti sauce was excellent (I'm assuming his lovely wife made it---haha). Thanks again Rick. I want to order another jar.
I'm still enjoying djrockinsteve's Merlot. Was it a kit? What kit was it? My first kit is the RJS Winery Series Washington Merlot. Yours said '09 on the bottle. When did you pitch the yeast? If mine comes close to yours, I'll be ecstatic. Thank you!

Ditto. Only we had it with ground turkey. This sauce would rock a lasagna. Dan whatta ya say we take a road trip and pick up a case or two?

Any chance of a recipe Rick. It was really good and I'm saving the jar and lid for you.
Ivar's Clam Chowder base stock from Costco (with extra clams!) Sourdough Bread, salted butter and of course some Michaelena Chardonnay! :db