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Thanks for the clarification, Dan. I was thinking that for the cheaper wines, it was more like an assembly line, but over a couple of months rather than minutes.
Going home to Ky today after work. Over the weekend I will be bottling 6 gal of Apple Wine and 5 gal of Centennial IPA. Also brewing a Rye Pale Ale:sm
I got my peach wine into the secondary (the SG dropped in primary more than any I've done so far - .992), stabilized my Red, and tasted the blueberry. The mixed berry is just aging a little, so all 4 carboys need no more attention for a few days.
It's raining in Boerne, Texas ... first rain since Feburary ...:r:tz:db:hug:h:b

Congrats on the rain Rick. We were behind until recently but nowhere near that deficit. :db
Just coming back from fishing in which was terrible. 1 Sea robin and 1 small Fluke all day! Im going back at 2 am to try for Stripers and then some Blues again late morning and hopefully the bite is better then!!
Just coming back from fishing in which was terrible. 1 Sea robin and 1 small Fluke all day! Im going back at 2 am to try for Stripers and then some Blues again late morning and hopefully the bite is better then!!

2 am for Stripers???? I'm thinking you mis-spelled another word and you are going out for strippers!!!! Wade!!!!!!!!!!! behave yourself, for crying out loud. :tz
Spent the day at the Maryland Wine Festival. We had a good time and met up with a few friends.
2 am for Stripers???? I'm thinking you mis-spelled another word and you are going out for strippers!!!! Wade!!!!!!!!!!! behave yourself, for crying out loud. :tz
Nononononp!!!!! Cant handle anymore women!!!!