What kind of berries are these?

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Junior Member
Jan 19, 2015
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Can anyone identify what kind of berries these are and if they are edible?



Here is a rule of thumb I normally follow. If I see berries that I am not sure what they are, I watch to see if the birds are pecking at them. If the birds are leaving them alone, so will I!
Those are definitely slightly unripe red elderberries which are not good for winemaking. They need to be cooked before making wine with them so they aren't toxic. You need the black elderberries to make a good wine.
See the following datasheet

Google red elderberries for lots of pictures.

What you want are the black ones like this

And yes Julie is right about the birds. They will eat some of them, but I have found dead birds near them before!
I usually will bite into a berry, and that tells me enough. Bucking that process, Choke Cherries and Black Currants are bitter and keep me away, but once I tried to do something with them, and complete failure.

If my tiny tiny taste says, go no further, that is enough!!!
Thank you everyone, I thought they were the red elderberries and not edible, but just wanted to be sure. It is not poison ivy since it is a bush and has more then 3 leaves, groups of 5 or more. This is the first time I noticed these berries since we have lived here for more than 20 years.
The elderberries around here have 7 leaves per stem and are in a cluster that looks like a umbrella hanging upside down and the clusters are much larger. Note: Looks like a good rear for elderberries.
Semper Fi