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      Newbie Mel replied to the thread Blackberry juice only?.
      I ended up with 6 lbs and I’ll do a gallon batch too. Probably have 50 more pounds out there, but too hard to get to and I’m done being...
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      Newbie Mel reacted to Clover's post in the thread Blackberry juice only? with Like Like.
      Man, you all are lucky with your wild blackberry harvests! I've been picking mine for 2 weeks now, and am giving up. My arms look like...
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      Newbie Mel replied to the thread Blackberry juice only?.
      I quit picking. Obviously mine are not thornless.
      • IMG_6605.jpeg
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      Newbie Mel reacted to BigDaveK's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Like Like.
      Black raspberry harvest is done. This week I started the daily task of harvesting blackberries - wild on the left, thornless on the right.
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      Newbie Mel reacted to BarrelMonkey's post in the thread Elderflowers with Like Like.
      Here is my recipe, enough for a 3 (US) gallon batch of elderflower sham-pagne: 18 large elderflower heads (about 2 loosely packed US...
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      Newbie Mel reacted to winemanden's post in the thread Elderflowers with Like Like.
      How to process Elderflowers after they have been picked. Over the years, I've tried different ways of removing the flowers from the...
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      Newbie Mel replied to the thread Elderflowers.
      How do you make your syrup? Like a simple syrup with the elderflower added? This sounds like a nice way to start and if I have enough...
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      Newbie Mel reacted to BarrelMonkey's post in the thread Elderflowers with Like Like.
      I use a fork... I have one with a small hole between the middle tines which is perfect for fitting a stem through. As I'm sure you know...
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      Newbie Mel reacted to Sailor323's post in the thread Dandelion wine with Like Like.
      I have left the flowers in the primary for as long as 4 days.
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      Newbie Mel reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Dandelion wine with Like Like.
      Did you taste the elderflower? I have a red bud flower in primary on day three. With a room temp primary It still tastes good and will...
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      Newbie Mel replied to the thread Dandelion wine.
      I have not tasted yet, the flower is just beginning to form. I will be away from home the first two weeks of June so I might miss it...
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      Newbie Mel replied to the thread Dandelion wine.
      I am thinking about trying elderflower soon. I read that less is more with elderflower. I what I am hearing you say is not to leave the...
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