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Nov 8, 2011
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I have been making wine for 6 months. I make wine from kits, only 4 week kits so far. I have made 4 batches and now I have a 5th batch on. I enjoy Shiraz and my wife likes a Pinot Grigio. I have made mostly kits from Wine Kitz but I am planning on going to Wine Expert soon and see what they have to offer.

All the members that have helped me have been great, and I can see that this forum is filled with experienced and friendly members.

I look forward to learning and sharing with all of you.

There are a lot of good Wine Expert kits. Try one of the new kits with grape pack. I have recently made (aging) the Petit Verdot and Nero d'Avola, both with skins.
Welcome Jody, I beloved if you stick with the high end side of just about any brand and give it proper aging you'll be a happy camper!
Welcome to the community.

Did you ever consider of using juice? I make several each year. Pinot Grigio from Regina was excellent and my wife now loves the Shiraz Cabernet.

You would have to see if anyone near you gets the juice in September.