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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      Myclobutanil appears to have finally done the trick. This stuff was spreading like wildfire every two days, advancing across the...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      I've ordered Manzate but won't receive it until the 20th, so we'll see if there's anything left of this vine by then. I'm seeing the...
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      vtoddw reacted to Nebbiolo020's post in the thread Where to buy fungicides? with Like Like.
      Manzate will work, don’t do systemic unless literally nothing works, Myclobutanil works as well. I would use Azoxystrobin as a systemic...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      Actually after looking around online I'm thinking this stuff is Grape Leaf Rust. It's also not going away now that I'm on my second...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      I can confirm you are right about that, at least for whatever this fungus is I'm seeing on my merlot. I'm fairly certain it's black...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      This is the first year I'm trying it. All prior seasons I only sprayed wettable sulfur which hasn't prevented some yet to be identified...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      Well shoot now I feel foolish. Just went to the garage to look at the label and realized I have Captan, not Mancozeb. So my experience...
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      vtoddw reacted to Nebbiolo020's post in the thread Where to buy fungicides? with Like Like.
      It’s not highly toxic, basic goggles and respirator if worried about it buy any P100 respirator and long sleeve shirt is fine. Hell...
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      vtoddw reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Where to buy fungicides? with Like Like.
      PPE? I don’t really use any. I have an extension wand and try to stay a meter away from the spray head. I also gauge which way the...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      Sorry to hijack this thread for my own purposes...but I was wondering, what kind of PPE do you use when you spray this stuff? I am...
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      vtoddw replied to the thread Where to buy fungicides?.
      I can see why you'd think that, when I attempted to buy it on Amazon I received a warning stating it cannot be shipped to CA...
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