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    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      I tried that twice.
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      Thanks, RG, I used LD Carlson yeast nutrient and fermaid K. I guess I won't be boiling it down. I was wondering about the unused...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      Very interesting Dave. That's why my mead wouldn't ferment, along with the spices I should have waited to put in, it didn't stand a...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      it's not working, there isn't a bubble to be seen. The gravity went down from dilution, I started at about 2 1/2 gallons, and now it's...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      I'm giving up on the mead. SG is down to 1.080, and the pH is 3.4 with adding water plus all the yeast starters. I'm not going to waste...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      I used your recipe 4 tbls.
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      I let each go overnight. still not a bubble or any sign of fermentation. I have high hopes for this starter fortified with the must!
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      Hello Dave, I used bottled spring water and the only thing in the apple juice concentrate was ascorbic acid. I have also tried 3...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      Yes, the PH is 3.6, it's been 8 days and 5 yeast applications, and I'm getting ready to dump it.
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      I will try that, I let the last 2 go for about 8 hours, maybe that wasn't long enough. Thanx for the advice.
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Metheglin mead ferment.
      Thanx for the reply, I am fermenting in a bucket with a towel over it. I have also stirred the crap out of it. I will try adding must to...
    • Codfish
      Hello folks, I am having a problem trying to get my mead to ferment. This is the recipe I used. 120 oz. honey 1 cup black tea 3 cans of...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread What's for Dinner?.
      Thats 19.95 where I live, talk about price gouging!
    • Codfish
      Codfish reacted to ibglowin's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Like Like.
      We celebrated joint anniversaries the other night with our BFF's. We dined out in Santa fe at Geronimo's which is always the #1...
    • Codfish
      Codfish replied to the thread Hello from Louisiana.
      Welcome, can you make wine from okra?
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