New member from Maine

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Dec 29, 2011
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Hello there from the snowy Northeast. I'm a newbie to the game that's stumbled across this site and have been amazed at the information I've been able to find. I've been browsing for a couple of weeks but decided to join today and make my first few posts.

I've purchased a wine equipment kit and am currently still deciding what wine ingredient kit to start with, but then I'll be jumping into the fray with the rest of you!

Wish me luck. Glad to have finally joined what seems like a great community of like-minded people.

Hi Troezen,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Glad to hear the site has been a help to you. if you have any questions, ask away, there is always someone on here who will be able to give you an answer.
Hello, Get your kit picked out and get it started. The sooner you do this, the sooner you get to start drinkin. Best of luck with it, Arne.
Hello, Get your kit picked out and get it started. The sooner you do this, the sooner you get to start drinkin. Best of luck with it, Arne.

Haha yes, my plan is to decide this weekend when I hit the local brewing supply shop! My equipment kit is due in on Saturday anyway so I'm not wasting time yet!

Hi Troezen,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Glad to hear the site has been a help to you. if you have any questions, ask away, there is always someone on here who will be able to give you an answer.

Thanks! I will not be shy about asking questions you can be sure of that. I also bought two of the more highly rated books on Amazon with hopes that they can be good references.
Welcome to the forum. I use to visit a small towm in Maine called Fryburg when I was younger. We still have some friends up there and I would love to go back. It's beautiful country up there.
Welcome! Must be further up North if you have snow! It's been a really light year. What part of Maine? I go up there frequently towards Moosehead.
Welcome to the forum, Troezen! Lots of info here. My first suggestion to you: When you go shopping this weekend---buy and extra hydrometer. Nothing worse than not having a hydrometer when you break your first one---and you will!!! Good Luck! :slp
Welcome! Must be further up North if you have snow! It's been a really light year. What part of Maine? I go up there frequently towards Moosehead.

Not a lot of snow right now, but we've had a couple snowfalls recently.

I am very much farther south than Moosehead, about 3 hours away!
Welcome Troezen. Please ask our opinions before purchasing any wine kits. Weve made just about all of them and they are not all good!!!! For the most part the smaller red kits are very thin especially if they are in big red style meaning if you want a Big bold red like a Cab Sauv a 10 liter kit where you add 13 liters of water you are not going to end up with a big bold wine. There are cheaper quick drinking reds but for the most part most of the time youll want a bigger more expensive kit and it will need a year of aging.
Welcome to the forum, Troezen! Lots of info here. My first suggestion to you: When you go shopping this weekend---buy and extra hydrometer. Nothing worse than not having a hydrometer when you break your first one---and you will!!! Good Luck! :slp

Thanks for the advice. Maybe I will pick up an extra one! Fortunately the shop is only a few miles from my house, though!
Wish me luck. Glad to have finally joined what seems like a great community of like-minded people.

Stick around and ask questions and you won't have to depend on luck ... but best of luck anyway!
More advice from me..? Go ahead and expect this to become the hole all your extra money falls in. Lol Bc your always gonna think just one more carboy, and I can get that six gallons of (insert wine here) started so I can drink it by (insert date here) and it should be good. Problem occurs when you say this again a few days after you get that wine into secondary....

But welcome, and I know youll enjoy the forum as much as your new hobby.
Hey neybah glad to have you around , neewbie myself about a yr . Lots of good info on here , with great people that will help you with any question .
Troezen, Maybe you can help me with something that has rattled around in the back of my mind for many years. Long ago (in a place far away) I had a boss from Maine. He used to tell some really silly jokes and we all would laugh (did I mention he was my boss?). One could usually get the joke but there was one that was a favorite of his. If you can explain it to me, I would be grateful.

A man pulls into a gas station as asks the attendant, "How do I get to Millinocket?" and the attendant replies, "Don't move one damned inch!"

Now the only thing we could all figure was the man was in Millinocket. Is that the joke? He thought this was hilarious so we all thought there must be something more to the joke.
Troezen, Maybe you can help me with something that has rattled around in the back of my mind for many years. Long ago (in a place far away) I had a boss from Maine. He used to tell some really silly jokes and we all would laugh (did I mention he was my boss?). One could usually get the joke but there was one that was a favorite of his. If you can explain it to me, I would be grateful.

A man pulls into a gas station as asks the attendant, "How do I get to Millinocket?" and the attendant replies, "Don't move one damned inch!"

Now the only thing we could all figure was the man was in Millinocket. Is that the joke? He thought this was hilarious so we all thought there must be something more to the joke.

No idea Rocky, and I've asked around, seems no one around here has ever heard of it.

(and I asked some old timers!)
Welcome great bunch of winemakers here so ask away and someone will answer your questions
Welcome! You have found a great board with a bunch of very noligable folks. Did I mention great sense of humor? I live in Maine myself and wish we had more local supply stores. You get hooked on winemaking very fast. Best of luck with your first batch.
Welcome! You have found a great board with a bunch of very noligable folks. Did I mention great sense of humor? I live in Maine myself and wish we had more local supply stores. You get hooked on winemaking very fast. Best of luck with your first batch.

Thanks! Yeah, Maine Brewing Supply is pretty good for equipment I hear but I'm not sure about ingredient kits...