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Remember THESE days?
My First commputer.

Commodore VIC-20
Introduced: June 1980
Released: January 1981
Price: US $299
CPU: MOS 6502, 1MHz
RAM: 5K (3.5K for the user)
Display: 22 X 23 text
176 X 184, 16 colors max
Ports: composite video
joystick, cartridge, user port
serial peripheral port
Peripherals: cassette recorder
printer, modem
external floppy drive
Oh I ain't going to Alaska. I want to get back to where there are 4 seasons though. I am from Illinois originally. Don't know if I want to go back there or not. I have always been very partial to New England. Particularly Vermont and New Hampshire.

Try England. Lol!!!
What do you think these young bucks would think about out old computers with absolutely no graphics?
For research? For learning? Wow... there's a concept.
Do you remember when we had to connect to the library database at the University of Minnesota to do research? I think there was a database at one of the St. Louis Universities also. Wow... it was tough... you can find anything now.
The first comp I was ever around was the Radio Shack Color Computer. My Dad was so proud of himself, he was on his way to becoming a geek before he passed on. But I remeber that computer, I think it was like in 83 maybe 84, It was quite a bit of skins, like $600, lot of money for a comp back then, give me that kind of money now for a computer and we could fly to the moon and back.!! It had the cassestte drive and then came the Vic 20 and then the apple IIe and the rest is history. Unbelievable!!

Wade might be right, we may be getting older, but, we are becoming wise as we progress.


And like hillbilly just said, it really wasn't that long ago.

I encourage everyone to take care of the comps we have, keep em updated keep em clean. Keep em organized.

Mechanical failures happen, but if you let em run out of "oil" and they break, well.......:slp

Moving north...

Oh I ain't going to Alaska. I want to get back to where there are 4 seasons though. I am from Illinois originally. Don't know if I want to go back there or not. I have always been very partial to New England. Particularly Vermont and New Hampshire.

Hey Smurfe... been to Gonzales... I like the Sportsman's Paradise... in fact, as soon as they kill all of the mosquitos I am moving down there. Drop off about 10# of crawfish on my porch as you make your way north.
Wow... crawfish, gator tail, Cajun gals, redfish, catfish... wow!