DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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Hello Everyone, DB has been clearing now for awhile and looks very clear when looking at it but when you put a flashlight behind it and look very closely I can still see things suspended in the wine? They look kind of like white fluffy things just suspended throughout the wine. Just did a small taste test and it tastes like a dry wine. Is it ok? What's my next step?


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Hello Everyone, DB has been clearing now for awhile and looks very clear when looking at it but when you put a flashlight behind it and look very closely I can still see things suspended in the wine? They look kind of like white fluffy things just suspended throughout the wine. Just did a small taste test and it tastes like a dry wine. Is it ok? What's my next step?
What is the SG? It's likely the fermentation is complete.

How old is the wine? Things take time to settle, and it's very likely your wine is fine.

Your next step is probably the most difficult thing to do in winemaking.


Nope, not making a joke. Winemaking is a procrastinator's dream, and many things take time.
What is the SG? It's likely the fermentation is complete.

How old is the wine? Things take time to settle, and it's very likely your wine is fine.

Your next step is probably the most difficult thing to do in winemaking.


Nope, not making a joke. Winemaking is a procrastinator's dream, and many things take time.
SG was .990 when DB racked into secondary, degassed, added additives as recommended. It's been 7 days since additives add sparkaloid was added. It's just weird how it's crystal clear except for these white fluffy like stuff suspended everywhere. Could that be pectin? Or is it part of the sparkaloid?
SG was .990 when DB racked into secondary, degassed, added additives as recommended. It's been 7 days since additives add sparkaloid was added. It's just weird how it's crystal clear except for these white fluffy like stuff suspended everywhere. Could that be pectin? Or is it part of the sparkaloid?
Pectin is a possibility. I always add pectic enzyme when making non-grape wines, as it's a low cost preventative. Give it time.
Pectin is a possibility. I always add pectic enzyme when making non-grape wines, as it's a low cost preventative. Give it time.
Pectin enzyme was added at the beginning as per the directions. It just looks so good, until you put a light to it and look close. The wait is hard but guess on this one it will have to be done.
Pectin enzyme was added at the beginning as per the directions. It just looks so good, until you put a light to it and look close. The wait is hard but guess on this one it will have to be done.
Welcome to procrastinator's paradise! Time is your friend. ;)
First batch of DB almost done fermenting. SG was 1.094 and used 32oz of lemon juice for a pH of 3.30. 8lb of Berry blend to 5 gallons. After stabilizing I will add another 4lb of berries (macerated in some sugar) and let it sit for 2-4 weeks.
This will be my first time ever adding fresh fruit after fermenting a wine. Excited to see how fruity and yummy it will turn out.

First batch of DB almost done fermenting. SG was 1.094 and used 32oz of lemon juice for a pH of 3.30. 8lb of Berry blend to 5 gallons. After stabilizing I will add another 4lb of berries (macerated in some sugar) and let it sit for 2-4 weeks.
This will be my first time ever adding fresh fruit after fermenting a wine. Excited to see how fruity and yummy it will turn out.

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Bottled the DB last weekend. It is the most aromatic wine I’ve made. Smells strong of raspberries. Taste is great except a little too sour for me. Next time I will use 24oz of lemon juice instead of 32oz. I’m happy with the final product especially for a wine this young. Also, it cleared very well with sparkolloid.
I’m about to start another batch of DB and need some opinions. Is there a reason that we don’t crush the berries first? I feel like I’m leaving too much behind when I throw away the bag of remaining fruit. I’m thinking of running my fruit through a masticating juicer and putting just the pulp in the bag. Then I’m getting the most out of the fruit, and I wouldn’t need to squeeze the bag every day. Thoughts?
I’m about to start another batch of DB and need some opinions. Is there a reason that we don’t crush the berries first? I feel like I’m leaving too much behind when I throw away the bag of remaining fruit. I’m thinking of running my fruit through a masticating juicer and putting just the pulp in the bag. Then I’m getting the most out of the fruit, and I wouldn’t need to squeeze the bag every day. Thoughts?
I’ve only used frozen berries for my DB. By the time fermentation is finished, there isn’t much fruit left. The bags are very soft and it’s easy to hand squeeze everything out unlike grape skins in a FWK.
Well, I went ahead and did it. I juiced the berries and put just the pulp in the mesh bag. The remaining pulp seems to be about the same volume as what remains at the end of the standard method. Although the color isn’t as deep, I suspect it’s because the skins have yet to release their color. I may give an update at the end.
First batch of DB bottled this weekend.

Notes: Used 32oz instead of the 48 of ReaLemon; double fruit; aged 3 months then backsweetened right before bottling. Used a simple syrup of 2 cups sugar.

I'm surprised how tart it was with 32oz, but really enjoyable. I'm planning to leave at least 3 months in the bottle to hopefully bring out a little more sweetness but it's going to be great for the summer time. I'm also surprised at the amount of pulp remaining and how much got through the mesh bags.

Already planning my next batch with some changes such as reducing the ReaLemon to 24oz; sweetening it earlier, and maybe crushing the fruit before the ferment.

Anyways, thank you for the recipe and cheers !


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First batch of DB bottled this weekend.

Notes: Used 32oz instead of the 48 of ReaLemon; double fruit; aged 3 months then backsweetened right before bottling. Used a simple syrup of 2 cups sugar.

I'm surprised how tart it was with 32oz, but really enjoyable. I'm planning to leave at least 3 months in the bottle to hopefully bring out a little more sweetness but it's going to be great for the summer time. I'm also surprised at the amount of pulp remaining and how much got through the mesh bags.

Already planning my next batch with some changes such as reducing the ReaLemon to 24oz; sweetening it earlier, and maybe crushing the fruit before the ferment.

Anyways, thank you for the recipe and cheers !
Same observations as I had about the tartness. I also doubled the berries and used 32oz lemon juice. The doubling of the berries probably caused the sourness and the little reduction of lemon juice just wasn't enough to offset that. I too will only use 24oz of lemon juice next time if made again with 2x berries.
My husband and I tried some stellar wines at a tasting room in Branson, MO while we were on vacation. He scheduled the stop there for me. He seldom drinks wine, so imagine our surprise when he found out he likes a wine made with blackberries and blueberries.

My sweetheart has a milestone birthday coming up in May 2025, and I would like to make a batch of Black and Blue DB to serve at the celebration. I also plan to order some of the wine he liked for his personal consumption.

If you have made DB with blackberries or blueberries, I would be grateful for any wisdom you would share.

I am thinking of using 5 lbs each of blueberries and blackberries. Do these amounts sound as though the flavors will be well-balanced? Tartness is a concern. Should I skip the lemon juice, or greatly reduce it? If reducing, to what amount? Fruit forward flavor is preferred, rather than lemon. My plan is to age this DB about 6 months.
My husband and I tried some stellar wines at a tasting room in Branson, MO while we were on vacation. He scheduled the stop there for me. He seldom drinks wine, so imagine our surprise when he found out he likes a wine made with blackberries and blueberries.

My sweetheart has a milestone birthday coming up in May 2025, and I would like to make a batch of Black and Blue DB to serve at the celebration. I also plan to order some of the wine he liked for his personal consumption.

If you have made DB with blackberries or blueberries, I would be grateful for any wisdom you would share.

I am thinking of using 5 lbs each of blueberries and blackberries. Do these amounts sound as though the flavors will be well-balanced? Tartness is a concern. Should I skip the lemon juice, or greatly reduce it? If reducing, to what amount? Fruit forward flavor is preferred, rather than lemon. My plan is to age this DB about 6 months.
What size batch are you planning?
I made a 3 gallon batch following the basic DB recipe and thought it was light on fruit. So my next 6 gallon batch was as follows:

48 oz ReaLemon juice
12 lbs Kirkland Triple Berry Blend (blackberry, strawberry, blueberry) thawed
water to about 5.5 gallons (before fruit)
24 cups sugar
1 tsp tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast energizer
3 tsp pectic enzyme

I backsweeten my DB. I split the batch and backsweetened to 2 different amounts. Hubby liked the sweeter one best. This one got better with age - it really smoothed out!

I have another batch aging and ready to be backsweetened and bottled now. I made it the same with the exception of the brand of fruit and lemon juice, the amount of starting sugar, and the yeast. I'm hoping it turns out as good as the last batch! I'm backsweetening to Hubby's taste for the whole batch this time.

Regarding the acid, I have seen DB recipes that reduce the lemon juice. I have made a strawberry DB and a raspberry DB in addition to the 3 berry DB described above, and I noticed that I used more lemon juice in the strawberry and raspberry versions. I'm not sure why I did that - it was in 2021 and I don't remember that far back. :D I do recall that the raspberry turned out absolutely delicious and much more raspberry-flavored than my very first batch of wine which was only raspberries. I might have to try that one again! For the strawberry, I used 16 lbs of strawberries and 96 oz of lemon juice for a 6 gallon batch. It was good, but not great - the lemon overpowered the strawberries for my taste. The raspberry version I used 11 lbs of raspberries and 64 oz of lemon juice for a 4 gallon batch.

Also, I used Costco's Volcano brand lemon juice in my latest batch, and I cut the sugar a bit because I wanted to lower the ABV a bit. I really noticed the strawberry smell when it was fermenting - I'm not sure if that was the batch of fruit I used or the 71B yeast. It certainly smelled delicious!!

48 oz Costco lemon juice
12 lbs Triple Berry Blend (blackberry, strawberry, blueberry)
water to about 5.5 gallons (before fruit)
20 cups sugar
1 tsp tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast energizer
3 tsp pectic enzyme
1/4 tsp Kmeta
Lalvin 71B
I made a 3 gallon batch following the basic DB recipe and thought it was light on fruit. So my next 6 gallon batch was as follows:

48 oz ReaLemon juice
12 lbs Kirkland Triple Berry Blend (blackberry, strawberry, blueberry) thawed
water to about 5.5 gallons (before fruit)
24 cups sugar
1 tsp tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast energizer
3 tsp pectic enzyme

I backsweeten my DB. I split the batch and backsweetened to 2 different amounts. Hubby liked the sweeter one best. This one got better with age - it really smoothed out!

I have another batch aging and ready to be backsweetened and bottled now. I made it the same with the exception of the brand of fruit and lemon juice, the amount of starting sugar, and the yeast. I'm hoping it turns out as good as the last batch! I'm backsweetening to Hubby's taste for the whole batch this time.

Regarding the acid, I have seen DB recipes that reduce the lemon juice. I have made a strawberry DB and a raspberry DB in addition to the 3 berry DB described above, and I noticed that I used more lemon juice in the strawberry and raspberry versions. I'm not sure why I did that - it was in 2021 and I don't remember that far back. :D I do recall that the raspberry turned out absolutely delicious and much more raspberry-flavored than my very first batch of wine which was only raspberries. I might have to try that one again! For the strawberry, I used 16 lbs of strawberries and 96 oz of lemon juice for a 6 gallon batch. It was good, but not great - the lemon overpowered the strawberries for my taste. The raspberry version I used 11 lbs of raspberries and 64 oz of lemon juice for a 4 gallon batch.

Also, I used Costco's Volcano brand lemon juice in my latest batch, and I cut the sugar a bit because I wanted to lower the ABV a bit. I really noticed the strawberry smell when it was fermenting - I'm not sure if that was the batch of fruit I used or the 71B yeast. It certainly smelled delicious!!

48 oz Costco lemon juice
12 lbs Triple Berry Blend (blackberry, strawberry, blueberry)
water to about 5.5 gallons (before fruit)
20 cups sugar
1 tsp tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast energizer
3 tsp pectic enzyme
1/4 tsp Kmeta
Lalvin 71B
@Jovimaple -- Thank you for sharing your information and experience. Your post is a tremendous help! 😀 Based on your post, I will start the 6 gallon batch with the 10 lbs of fruit and 48 ounces of ReaLemon I have on hand and pick up more frozen fruit at the local market on Monday, to bring the fruit up to 12 lbs. I've heard great reviews about Volcano brand lemon juice. I wish the Costco where I shop would sell it.

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