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    • K
      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      Based on this description from label peelers, I would say the f-pac is both. Order your Reserve Pinot Noir Rose 10L Wine Kit today and...
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      Kev6 reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread White blends ideas... with Like Like.
      For red Vinifera, pretty much all work. Bordeaux and Rhone grapes all blend well, and if you look at "Super Tuscan", you'll see that...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread White blends ideas....
      Besides trial and error, can you suggest a source for compatible blending partners including fruit/grape blends?
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      Kev6 replied to the thread White blends ideas....
      Have any here cofermented 2 or more varietals or would you always ferment separately then blend after ferment and bulk age?
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      Kev6 reacted to joeswine's post in the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits with Like Like.
      I actually bought fresh juice ( pure). And used it making a black currant cab , a couple of years ago and held on to a quart in the...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      Is the black currant syrup a home brew or commercially available? Quart or pint?
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Hello Florida.
      Fairly new here myself. I've been making wine for about 13 years and am in northeast Florida for the last 7. For years my wife could not...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      I do make a syrup before adding to the must. I don't doubt that reducing the volume will also increase the potential alcohol. It also...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      I've had yeast packets in the past that were not viable and it was 2-3 days before I knew no fermentation was going on. With the yeast...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      I didn't adjust initially. Fermentation was great until I racked it. I made 2 adjustments with calcium carbonate while trying to get...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      When I make a kit per mfg instructions, I only track sg but when I start monkeying around I will check ph. Grapefruit brought more acid...
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      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      It's a RJS Cru pinot grigio. Made a yeast starter with Lalvin k1-v1116. Bentonite per kit, juice concentrate and spring water to 6gal...
    • K
      Kev6 replied to the thread Other Tweeking Cheap Kits.
      Ran into a problem that I haven't been able to solve. When sg dropped to 1.006 I racked to a carboy. Then all activity stopped. After 4...
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