WMT (Unofficial) Welch's Wine Competition

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Not a single post the entire month of February. Everyone must be busy tweaking their wines.

I was just wondering today when we might amp up the rhetoric for this contest. No smack-talk yet? Anyone?

I've got one done and "aging". I've got to move on the other two soon. Then I'll have to pick the best for the contest. They're in little gallon jugs, sitting behind the bigger carboys, so I often forget they are there. :slp
Well, I made 2. They're both aging and clearing. I'll send my worst one just to make it fair.

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I'm going to win on label alone.

People do buy wine for the label. I originally decided to buy a bottle of Doobie's Jackass Red meerly for the fact that it had a picture of a Jackass (donkey) named Doobie. Turned out to be pretty good wine. Doobie Blues, their white, was very good as well. Our state store quit carrying it though.
dralarms, you are correct, your label is the winner.

As far as my Welchs entries go, I have been secretly sending JohnT sample bottles every week for the last two months. He has approved all of them, except one, so apparently they meet his "Welchs tongue". The one he didn't approve of he mentioned could use more of a Welchs taste, so I added some more concentrate for him to enjoy. After resubmitting, I got a rave review from him.
I was just wondering today when we might amp up the rhetoric for this contest. No smack-talk yet? Anyone?

I've got one done and "aging". I've got to move on the other two soon. Then I'll have to pick the best for the contest. They're in little gallon jugs, sitting behind the bigger carboys, so I often forget they are there. :slp

Is that an invite for me to chime in here????? :)
I've got my two covered sitting on the dresser. Both have been hit with super kleer and need racked off the lees. I'll give em another week or two after that and then into the bottles they go. Im relying on luck to provide me with a winning bottle since I have no idea what i'm doing lol!!!
Well I'm not feeling like I've got anything that's developed enough to brag about..... YET! I've also been neglecting mine (busy working on my Winehouse) and just letting it rest. It is very clear but has a very thin dusting at the bottom that I plan on racking off of for the last time tonight. Taste is interesting, got a tiny oak, cinnamon, subtle apricot and citrus flavor but over all kind of flat feeling/tasting. I'm hoping adding a little acid blend tonight will work the same as adding a pinch of salt to a nice pot of sauce and really brighten it up. Do we have a rough deadline in front of us yet? I'd like to start planning a final bottling timeframe. Hopefully, come Monday I'll have a whole bunch of Smack to spread around here.
We've been working, roughly, with a six month time frame. So, since we started on 1-17-14, we're looking at mid-May for judging. Let's shoot for being ready to start shipping beginning of May.

Chase, I'm sitting exactly where you are. I've actually got one done, ready for bottling---I think. The other two have been neglected, just sitting there. I still need to choose one to send in. The others were just for fun and experience.

First time doing anything Welch's for me, and the first time doing one gallon batches. I presume to be whooped by some of the more savvy Welch's veterans. I'm ready to learn my lessons.
Don't sell yourself short Dave! I do have a recipe for Welch's that I think rocks but it unfortunately will not be my entry. I had a one gallon batch made and bottled. Then I realized it needed a few tweaks and I drank the other four bottles lol. Whenever I get around to making it again with the added tweaks I will send a bottle down your way!
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I think I'll bottle this weekend, done with tweaks - now it just needs time. While it's really come around in the last month or so I look forward to trying it in another 4 or 5 months. Do we still have a bunch of entries giving this a shot?
I forgot all about this. Hope I didn't drink all my entries. :)
With all the stuff going on in my goofy little life, I had pushed this contest out of my mine. I'd better bottle those wines!

Looking forward to under-achieving again on this one. But I'm learning lessons on making better Welch's wine.

I'm adding that to my resume, John! :p
If Johnt is really gonna be a judge we need to all chip in and get him a iron stomach. He's gonna need it after drinking all that welches. :D