What R you DRINKING today?

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I hear ya there my friend. I typically get these shots and hurt like heck that night but the next morning feel brand new and can tie my shoes without crtying and my bossloves me that day and then a day or 2 later I start paying for that mass production!
Sounds like you need to join me in my plans for the next life. I'm going to be a jelly fish and not have back pains to worry about!
I'm always on the look out for that one wrong step or a wrong twist at just the wrong time. When I do that I can't even get out of bed without having a cane by the side of the bed.
Forget putting on my own shoes or socks.
If I had known that I was going to live into my 50's I would have tried and taken better care of my body. I don't know what I'm going to do if I last another 20 years.
Drink more I guess.
LOL, you are right your days are numbered, keep riding.


hehehe Julie..

O ye of little faithe..

I've been riding for 30 years..and I'm still here.

neener neener neener!


(if this smilie was washing a bike.. it'd be perfect!)
Well lets see I had some Cranberry Delight before we went to supper & all they had that we liked was a chardonnay that didn't taste as good as my worst tasting at home we made .So now on to the good stuff i saved a couple bottles of liefraumilch one fro tonight & 1 for Father's day & I have lots cooling in the fridge for later .
deffinatly a rum n coke kinda day!
DogFish Head spiced Rum and pepsi to be exact!!!!!
Drinking a blend, I had a weak concord grape sitting on the wine rack not knowing what to do with it so I mixed that with some pear wine, oh boy did that turn out good.
I'm drinking the zinfandel I bottled today. It's pretty fair for being todays wine.
I'm drinking the zinfandel I bottled today. It's pretty fair for being todays wine.

hi ,i see you have made the we selections international chilean merlot a few times , i bought that kit today to try .was wondering if you could give me your opinion of it ? thanks marly .so i hurt my knee today am drinking something a little stronger than wine .any excuse will do lol.
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1st cider

im trying out my 1st hard cider today as im moveing it from 1st jug to the 2nd. ill let ya know how it tastes latter.
my 1st hard cider

ill be trying it later on this afternoon when i move it to my 2nd jug to start clearing it up a bit i just hope i can stop at just a taste. ;)
Ok I shouldn't admit it but I'm drinking store bought wine , it one of my favs Comtessa made by Jost vineyard . I was going to drink one of our wines with supper but knew Comtessa is soooo good with spaghetti I had to buy a bottle .But the labels are a bugger to get off on the other hand they are the full 1 liter bottle not 750 ml . Oh while I was there they had an Italian wine that was markd down $6.00 off so of course I couldn't pass up a good deal but will wait til Hubby is off to sample that one . It's going to be a rough weekend working since he's off & I'm not .
For the past few days I've slacked off. I had a sample of the strawberry I bottled, just being there was about one good glass that wouldn't fit.
Last night for a change I tried some other spirits that I had mandrian oranges soaking in for a few months. It was actually pretty good. The orange flavor and color both imparted to the drink.
Im going to pop open a bottle that Julie sent me tonight which I have also made. Mine came out very good and even my wife loves it and that says everything to me as most of the time she just says ehhh. There are only a few that she really cares for and thy are only fruit win es such as elderberry, Black Currant, Cyser, and blueberry.
right now some green tea ..recouping from last ngiht OY! oh man ....rough day LMAO!!!

the BBQ startes in a few hours so ill drinking then :D think its gonna be a whisky kinda day....but i may have to crack a few peach ales that DNW made, we finally tried it on friday and it was so good! just wish i had some wine ready LOL!
I'm drinking some Santa Ema Merlot, a chilean wine. Very good, but their Syrah is even better.
Smoking Loon Cabernet Sauvignon 2008

not too bad any one else try this before?

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