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It is a computer program that does everything, it keeps track of all recipes, it helps by evaluating you brewing efficiency so that you get better results, it keeps a running inventory of what you have on hand, it can convert recipes you find on the net from all extract to all grain or anything in between. It can do just about anything a brewer would want like also checking to see if you are in the guidelines of color or IBU's (International Bittering Units) Its a little great program but Ive yet to figure it all out.
Yeah I'll be ok I have arthritis in foot and I had a cyst on top of my foot that finally broke went through my whole foot . The doc told me not to worry it will just break up more & go away ,well it's not .I was to him on Thursday and all he did was give me an anti inflammatory thats not doing anything for it ,I know it's only a couple of days but it's getting worse instead of better . My whole foot/leg feels like when your hand falls asleep and the pain you get from that . If it worse tomorrow I'll go to ER maybe they will atleast Xray it . :po That he won't listen to me .

Oh no! Do have antibiotics? Even natural ones would help. Geeze, some docs just make me mad!
It is a computer program that does everything, it keeps track of all recipes, it helps by evaluating you brewing efficiency so that you get better results, it keeps a running inventory of what you have on hand, it can convert recipes you find on the net from all extract to all grain or anything in between. It can do just about anything a brewer would want like also checking to see if you are in the guidelines of color or IBU's (International Bittering Units) Its a little great program but Ive yet to figure it all out.

Wow that sounds like a great program for people like you that makes your beer that way .Seems like someone put alot of work into setting it up .
Julie I don't want to try anything else at this time because when I go back I wnat to say I did what you told me so try something different now . I was going to get some Tylenol with codene in it but thought that might mask a bigger problem .Plus I have to drive my son to a guitar jam session with his friend later & I forget how I react to that Tylenol .
Rodo stop by while in town to see his son at school. Very nice visit and it is so awesome to meet other wine makers on this forum in person! Really looking forward to our gathering at Julies this summer!
Oh Yeah! It was nice. Now if I could only get Rod to build me a wine making area like he has at his house all will be well!:sm Can't wait for the flea market at Julie's. Which does remind me I have a large wine transfer pump I have never used I want to sell. I'll post it later where it belongs.
Julie I don't want to try anything else at this time because when I go back I wnat to say I did what you told me so try something different now . I was going to get some Tylenol with codene in it but thought that might mask a bigger problem .Plus I have to drive my son to a guitar jam session with his friend later & I forget how I react to that Tylenol .

Go get a second opinion
Julie I don't want to try anything else at this time because when I go back I wnat to say I did what you told me so try something different now . I was going to get some Tylenol with codene in it but thought that might mask a bigger problem .Plus I have to drive my son to a guitar jam session with his friend later & I forget how I react to that Tylenol .

Gee, what did I say??????? :< I'm only on my second glass of pear wine that we bottled today and it doesn't have that much alcohol to it but I don't remember telling you to try anything.
Gee, what did I say??????? :< I'm only on my second glass of pear wine that we bottled today and it doesn't have that much alcohol to it but I don't remember telling you to try anything.

LMAO. I think she meant me Julie.
Today started 6 gal of pumpkin 3 gal of (blackberry/rasberry/cherry) also picked LOT of dandelions ...hope its a good wine its a pita cleaning them lol
Julie, you are a trouble maker and Im going to have to.................... just kidding but I bet you were thinking what the heck now!!!!!!
HAHHAHAHAH DAN!!! no battery is fine......u think i didnt bring a charger??? LOL and ive got a droid and not an iPhone but ill let all that slip if you will just.........come KILL ME!!!! oh godpleasekilmenow!!!!!!! and the children are acting fine........*rolling eys* people at 6 flags SUCK and are rude as hell but what ever!!! i can not wait to get home tommorw, gonna stop by n see lurkers friend to pick up the barrels on the way home YAY!!!

oh an my child is a wuss and wuddnt ride coaster with me *sniffle*

did i ask to be killed?? um ya KILL ME!!! or at least bring me BEER/ WINE/ or JACK!!!! oh damn being sober sucks ATM.....
yay for you Nikki, I hope you can explain to the hubbie why of a sudden you went from buckets to barrels! Gonna be hard to hide that under the counter! ROTF!

You need to explain it was for his beer making! Thats about as a good of an excuse as I can come up with at a moments notice!

Brew on girl!!!
(P.S. hot Marshmallows burn like hell on your skin, and are tough on clothes too)

Rodo stop by while in town to see his son at school. Very nice visit and it is so awesome to meet other wine makers on this forum in person! Really looking forward to our gathering at Julies this summer!

It was Great to meet Dan yesterday.:b Wish it could have been longer. I too am looking forward to the gathering at Julies.
Julie, you are a trouble maker and Im going to have to.................... just kidding but I bet you were thinking what the heck now!!!!!!

What? You going to put me in the corner with Nikki? :slp
Dont ask me how

I managed to lose the lid to my primary somewhere between transferring my Black Raspberry Merlot from the primary to the secondary last on the 10th and now. How in the world can anyone loose a 16" diameter white lid with a grommet hole in it? I'm loosing my mind. :slp
I managed to lose the lid to my primary somewhere between transferring my Black Raspberry Merlot from the primary to the secondary last on the 10th and now. How in the world can anyone loose a 16" diameter white lid with a grommet hole in it? I'm loosing my mind. :slp

I've actually done this too! Unbelievable. I found it eventually behind the microwave!:slp