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Racked my Red Muscadine and back sweetened my White Zin. Took the W ZIn to 1.002 and I think it is pretty darn good. Yesterday I filtered the Malvasia Blanc. Looks pretty. Will likely bottle that the end of January, it will be 5 months old at that point and I'll be able to free up 2 carboys so that I can get started on some pee for the summer. Decided all pee this year will be bottled in 1.5 ltr bottles. It goes to fast for the 750's.

Other than that, I've been priming and painting the trim in the house. Tomorrow will be a Christmas Shopping day.
I am relaxing in a pure stree free environment. The wife and kids went to Michigan yesterday morn and wont be back or 2 weeks. Its just, me, the dog, and 3 cats!!
Christmas Celebration

Yesterday, Johnna and I had both our families over for our annual Xmas gathering. Thanks to my new hobby, the family gathering have taken on a new life!

Today I bask in the afterglow of the American Consumer Christmas Tradition. During the height of the gift-giving frenzy, wine flowed, dogs barked, and babies cried. It was post-modern idyllic. Norman Rockwell would have been proud...

Friends and family who visit our house this Xmas get to choose from an assortment of tasty beverages from Weeping Willow Wines. Eveyone was most pleased, including the Winemaster Wannabe (me)...

Now that we got that mayhem out of the way, the wife and I can sit back and enjoy the rest of the holiday season...and drink some wine. If the family left me any! :m

Johnna!!! I need more carboys!!! :)
I am relaxing in a pure stree free environment. The wife and kids went to Michigan yesterday morn and wont be back or 2 weeks. Its just, me, the dog, and 3 cats!!

So Wade you're spending the holidays by yourself? Did you decorate? At Least you could have invited Troy down for a week or so.
Id like to spend it alone but I think Mom and Dad want me to come over. I really really would like to just stay home, cook a Hungryman dinner, and do some house cleaning that the wife and kids just dont do!!! :m
Went to bed last night at 7:00. The stomach virus that has been going around bit me hard. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Today will be a fun filled day of Christmas Shopping with the wife. Looking forward to spending the day. This afternoon is Andrea's Christmas show at daycare so we'll be there.
do they really exist without recipe and photos?

Here is the recipe...It is a very moist nut roll.

Best Nut Roll Ever Recipe

Dough Recipe – Yields 8 Nut Rolls

9 Cups of Flour
1 Cup of Sugar
2 Teaspoons of Salt
1 Pound of Butter
1 Pint of Sour Cream
6 Egg Yolks
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
2 Cakes of Yeast (small) dissolved in 1 cup of warm Milk

Sift flour, sugar and salt together in large bowl. Mix flour, sugar, salt and butter as for a pie. Into flour mixture pour milk with dissolved yeast, egg yolks (beaten with teaspoon of vanilla added) and sour cream. Knead dough until it is smooth and elastic. Place dough in refrigerator over night.
Remove the dough from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 1 ½ to 2 hours. Divide dough into 8 equal parts.
Roll dough in to rectangle or oblong (oval) 1/8” thick. Spread nut filling over dough evenly then roll it and seal the ends. Let stand and rise in lightly greased pans for ½ hour. Brush the top of the rolls with 3 beaten egg yolks and prick the top of rolls with a fork.
Bake at 350° degrees for 30 to 45 minutes, sometimes a little longer, until golden brown.

Nut Filling Recipe – Yields 8 Nut Rolls

3 Pounds of ground Walnuts
3 Cups of Sugar (more if you like sweeter filling)
9 Egg Whites – Beaten stiff.
1 Cup of warm Milk with ½ of ¼ (1/2 stick) pound of Butter dissolved in it.
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
Note: If nuts are very dry, more butter may be added to warm milk.
Fold sugar into ground nuts. Mix sugar and nuts together. Pour warm milk with butter into nut and sugar mixture. Mix well. Fold in beaten egg whites. If nut filling is too stiff, add a little more warm milk to make mixture a spreading consistency.

The dark on the top is an egg wash. These two blew out on the sides a little. It happens but doesn't effect the taste at all.
