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Just poured 5 gallons of watermelon wine down the drain. I guess I made it out of rotten watermelons.
Just poured 5 gallons of watermelon wine down the drain. I guess I made it out of rotten watermelons.

We are only 22 miles apart this week I am down here at Atoka Tn. visiting my grandkids :p
Watermelon wine is very difficult... for experienced winemakers... and then a real crap shoot. I have not made any. The most logic I heard was keeping it cool while you Kmeta it and then as cool as the yeast will bear to avoid immediate spoilage.
Sorry for your loss! Pumpkin is easier and cheaper!

I'm sitting at home! :db:r:h Now I can get back to making my jalapeno wine!
Well, they found his heart in the right place... I'd say that was good results!!

Glad you're home... now dreaming about the nurses!

The tests all turned out to be normal. (Except for my brain waves) ;) No new meds as the doc said this is not a repeat thing for me but if it happens again then more tests and probably meds. I don't plan on it. I am going to miss the nurses and their being so nice to me. :i It's good to be home and I do have what I would consider to be the best wife ever. Thanks for the thought, prayers, and comments everyone. Now back to wine making.
Glad to hear that Rick! I went salt water fishing for a little while today but then a storm started brewing and lightning in the distance. I thought it was pretty far away until I went to cast and took a little zap!!!!!:sh I even seen a little spark like that of a electric lighter like for w grill starter and felt a few volts and immediately decided that I better pack it up right then and there!!! On the way home I really hit the storm and got some serious hail and had to pull over as it was right n the edge of busting through the windshield. It didnt break the glass put put a few dents in my car. Im not worried about it tough as like I said in another post I have a cracked block or head so its just a matter of time before the engine has some serious problems! :mny There was some sever flooding also where I almost had to turn around and find another way home twice! :rn Water was probably up to the bottom of my doors.
I've learned that anytime you're on the salt water Wade if you see dark clouds and or lightning fire up the boat and hit the gas. They're usually closer and faster than you think.

Yep back to wine making. I got my jalapeno started tonight and added the second batch of ingredients to my pee. It's good to be home.
Way to go Rick . . . Making wine Saturday, hospital Sunday and back making wine on Monday. You rock!

Just kegged 5 gal of Raspberry Wheat AND 5 gal Orange Wheat :b
Shouldnt do to much. have you tried beer? All beer is from Barley and or wheat.
Not like you are eating it. Nothing to digest just "passes" through...LOL