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Today is Itsuko's & my 43rd anniversary. We are going to Shea's Theater tonight to see Jerry Seinfeld. Last night we were just loafing around watching TV and I remembered that it was our anniversary today and Itsuko asked if I got her a card because she didn't get one. I said no, we're good. I just dug a card out and and put it on her chair in the living room. I win. :D


Congratulations. You're a sneaky dog

Today's Going On

Hey fellow wine makers,

Today is my son's 23rd birthday. We are getting ready to head out to the Japanese steak house for lunch!

In the wine arena I have a RJS Italian Valpolicella Ripassa in the fermenter, 6 gallon of strawberry wine in secondary along with a gallon of sweet cherry to top off with. After I get the Valpolicella out of the fermenter I plan to start some blueberry wine followed by an RJS Sherry kit I picked up for 1/2 price.

I work second shift at an area hospital... I'm so glad it is Friday. This weekend a area greenhouse is having a close out sale. They've put back a bunch of blackeyed susans for me.

If you are on facebook, look me up. I have loads of garden photos and photos of Western NC. I'd love to see you there.

Happy fermenting ladies and gents.

Paul Braynard
Morganton NC
Well I may need a place to sleep tonight. My wife hates birds! I've mentioned a few times bout getting a hummingbird feeder. NO! Their birds too.

While at Lowes today it drew me to it. A real nice and not corny hummingbird feeder. Bought it and the nectar. It's hanging on my one apple tree out back.

She didn't see it at lunch but I know it will catch her eye too tonight. My only thought was I may be so distraunt that I may not be able to make any more cran-lime skeeter pee.

Move over Buford, Top dog's movin' in.
Well I may need a place to sleep tonight. My wife hates birds! I've mentioned a few times bout getting a hummingbird feeder. NO! Their birds too.

While at Lowes today it drew me to it. A real nice and not corny hummingbird feeder. Bought it and the nectar. It's hanging on my one apple tree out back.

She didn't see it at lunch but I know it will catch her eye too tonight. My only thought was I may be so distraunt that I may not be able to make any more cran-lime skeeter pee.

Move over Buford, Top dog's movin' in.

Steve, for crying out loud, do the math, you like to make wine, Marilyn likes to drink wine, therefore as long as you make what she likes you can continue making wine. If you stop making what shel likes, you will not be allowed to make wine. Are you getting any of this???????

I'm with Marilyn on the birds and again, let me remind you

DON'T BURN BRIDGES!!!!!!!!!!!!! :slp
Getting ready to bottle another batch beer! This Kölsch should be good. :b
Had to go today and get my iphone4 replaced. Only had it since May 1st. I sure hope this isn't a sign of a lemon.

And drove up Route 19 to Portersville, that highway is covered with elderberries, especially in Zellie. MinVin you need to check that out.

Stopped in at Portersville Brew Shop and they are still thinking of having a home winemaker's night, where we can bring our wines and share with other home winemakers. I'll post up a date when they decide.
Busy day here. Off to KY with the wife then, to lunch with my kids, then to a cello recital for my granddaughter, then the best part. We're heading over to Hanover Winery for some sampling and a fundraiser for PAWS. It's couldn't end any better than that!
We are going to a family gathering and we all decided to have a chili cook off. This is going to be fun, I know I cook better than most in my family but Mike is making a chili, Megan is making a chili and my daughter-in-law, Julie, is making a chili. Since I told them all what to do, I'm thinkin I'm in trouble :slp
We are going to a family gathering and we all decided to have a chili cook off. This is going to be fun, I know I cook better than most in my family but Mike is making a chili, Megan is making a chili and my daughter-in-law, Julie, is making a chili. Since I told them all what to do, I'm thinkin I'm in trouble :slp

Please stay away from open flames AFTER eating the chili!!
ROFLMAO, will this is going to be Dan's fault. I am making white chili and I am deglazing the chicken with Dan's hot pepper wine. Will be adding some of that to the chili as well. I'll be sipping mine with the chili.
Busy day here. Off to KY with the wife then, to lunch with my kids, then to a cello recital for my granddaughter, then the best part. We're heading over to Hanover Winery for some sampling and a fundraiser for PAWS. It's couldn't end any better than that!

Oh what fun we had today at the winery with a tour and some pointers. It's easy to see how a "hobby" can explode into a business. We brought home four bottles of various wines after sampling + won a gift basket.
The owners are such great people and it's easy to see that they are real lovers of wine making. We made some new friends today. :h

And BTW we had wine slushies for the first time. Raspberry and Apple. YUM!!!!!
Last Friday I went skydiving. This Friday I save money for next skydive.:spm

I always wanted to do that but since I've had three knee surgeries and now have a torn ACL in the left knee it's probably a good idea for me not to go skydiving. One of my sons has gone and loved it. My dad was 82nd Airborne back in the 50's and had many jumps under his belt. I wish I could!
Started out working in my vineyard then I helped the wife finish weeding the potatoe patch then I started takeing the front end off a 1993 Ford Tempo so I could rebuild my 94 Tempo that got wreck by a deer then I grilled hot dogs and sat down with a glass of gooseberry wine
Just picked 25 more pounds of strawberries for jam and Peach Strawberry in the fall! MMmmmmmm, then raided my mother's mint batch to make a gallon of mint wine........we'll see about that one! :p
We are going to a family gathering and we all decided to have a chili cook off. This is going to be fun, I know I cook better than most in my family but Mike is making a chili, Megan is making a chili and my daughter-in-law, Julie, is making a chili. Since I told them all what to do, I'm thinkin I'm in trouble :slp

Julie how did you make out at the chili cook off? :f
Julie how did you make out at the chili cook off? :f

I got Best Orginial and Megan got Best tasting. Dam her, she went with the sweet and spicy taste. There was 10 entries and I didn't have to bribe one person with wine, LOL.