Mid Atlantic North East Meet Up

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I'm pretty sure when I set up the group rate we had our choice of the combination of the 22nd and 23rd or the 23rd and 24th as long as you had 2 nights. At the time I wasn't sure what would work best for everyone.
The glitch is that I wanted a two-room suite with kitchen that's only available in their Galleria building, so that's where we booked for 6/22-6/25. Adding waterpark passes was also outside the block parameters. There are still spots in your block of rooms in the lodge for 22/23 and 23/24. They're super helpful with getting what I'm looking for.
We have 4 spaces left but only need 2 more to obtain the discount. Only 2 months left and I know there were a few others that showed an interest. Come on the 2 more so the others can benefit from the group rate. It would really be nice if we could fill all 4 openings. I had a tasting with @Boatboy24 and a new minemaker friend and the time just flew by. If we had 10 of us and their spouses I can only imagine what a good time we could have.
I haven't booked because I think the timing would not be good for me, I may be out of the country around that specific time..... :-(
@geek, @bkisel, @JohnT, @dcbrown73 you all initially have shown some interest in coming. Sign up and let's make it a "PARTY". Or any other last minute procrastinators.

I never committed that I recall just expressed an interest. I might be able to do a day trip but have procrastinated in looking up the travel time, any conflicts I might have with other planned activities and not the least of which run it by my wife. Sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone.
We have 4 spaces left but only need 2 more to obtain the discount. Only 2 months left and I know there were a few others that showed an interest. Come on the 2 more so the others can benefit from the group rate. It would really be nice if we could fill all 4 openings. I had a tasting with @Boatboy24 and a new minemaker friend and the time just flew by. If we had 10 of us and their spouses I can only imagine what a good time we could have.

As of yesterday, it became a whole lot less likely for me. I signed a contract on a new house, it closes May 31st, and my apartment lease ends on June 20th. I will be moving and cleaning up the apartment around that time. So yay, new home. Boo, not likely to be able to go to this event.
Well we are only a month away. Sure would be nice if we could fill the last 2-4 slots. Also if anyone is interested I have a chance to pick up 22 used carboys for $15.00 ea. Probably get them cheaper if I bought them all. They are 5 and 6 gallons, anyone interested I can bring them with me.
Fred, I'm definitely out, my son has a soccer tournament that weekend in NY.
I hope I can make it the next time.
Well we are only a month away. Sure would be nice if we could fill the last 2-4 slots. Also if anyone is interested I have a chance to pick up 22 used carboys for $15.00 ea. Probably get them cheaper if I bought them all. They are 5 and 6 gallons, anyone interested I can bring them with me.
I'd be in for 2-5's and a 6 if they are available. Nice price.
Not sure, I don't know all the rules.
The only rule is that you make the rules up as you go. I've decided that I've been making wine longer than you, so you can't have more carboys than I do, so give a few up so I have one more than you do.:)

Actually, I don't think I have any more room for them, unless I can get rid of another kid and turn their bedroom into a wine room.