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    • Ajmassa
      Ajmassa reacted to sour_grapes's post in the thread Never bottle too early with Like Like.
      I agree with Bryan. It is probably just expansion of the volume. Renewed fermentation doesn't cause the must to EXPAND, just to bubble.
    • Ajmassa
      Ajmassa reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Malbec Rose. with Like Like.
      This is pretty much impossible to provide solid advice on. Soaking on the skins is going to give you color, which makes for varying...
    • Ajmassa
      Ajmassa reacted to Stevew1's post in the thread Malbec Rose. with Like Like.
      I was looking for general guidance. So, thank you for the response. I will be adding the skins into the red batch. I was looking to...
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