Antivirus software

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
For any of you that do online banking or have children Kaspersky Internet Suite 2011 is out and I must say it has more safe options than anything else out there! It has a Safe mode for doing banking where it stops anything from happening except what you are doing at the minute and has a virtual keyboard so that keyloggers cant watch what you are doing. It also has some serious Parental controls which can deny them from doing what ever it is you dont want them doing like sharing private info, checking out chat rooms, or IMing, using sites like Facebook, using profanity, or really anything you can think of like downloading music and everything. You can create exceptions to each rule also. If you are using an older version of Kaspersky suite you can upgrade for free also as long as you have your activation key still. Very easy to use now and doesnt slow down your computer anywhere near as much as some other programs such as Norton which has let me down before in the past.
For any of you that do online banking or have children Kaspersky Internet Suite 2011 is out and I must say it has more safe options than anything else out there! It has a Safe mode for doing banking where it stops anything from happening except what you are doing at the minute and has a virtual keyboard so that keyloggers cant watch what you are doing. It also has some serious Parental controls which can deny them from doing what ever it is you dont want them doing like sharing private info, checking out chat rooms, or IMing, using sites like Facebook, using profanity, or really anything you can think of like downloading music and everything. You can create exceptions to each rule also. If you are using an older version of Kaspersky suite you can upgrade for free also as long as you have your activation key still. Very easy to use now and doesnt slow down your computer anywhere near as much as some other programs such as Norton which has let me down before in the past.

How much is it?
Depends on where you buy it. Off their site its $60 for 3 computers which is another reason I love this software. It always rated one of the top 3 and usually #1. The older version was a little difficult to figure how to set it up tight but this one is very easy finally! Its not freeware!!!
I have the PC Tools Internet Security/Anti-virus software - up to 23 computers as well - costs $29.99 a year.

I like - at the time i got it - it was one of the better ones for the price.

Pretty user friendly - sure that kaspersky is good - but i have a motto i stick to:

If it ain't broke - don't fix it :h

But good to know other alternatives in case it turns out i have sucky protection software..
I had AVG on two of my computors and both of them got a trogon worm on them so now I have Trend Mirco which I have to believe is very good seeing the company I work for uses it (Tyson Inc.)
Well i had both Microsoft Essentials and Kaspersky on my comp. and needed to upgrade as my license ran out on Kaspersky. I uninstalled Kaspersky no problem but when I uninstalled Essentials it took a few files with it and corrupted my Registry.
I had both Kaspersky and Microsoft essentials which I wasnt running both at the same time but wanted to dble chck for a virus a little while back. I unistalled Essentials and am running Kaspersky still. I had to unistall that also though as the upload screwed up for some reason, I think we were having Comcast issues that day as our phones were sctrewed up also so Im not sure which messed up my computer. Since it screwed up I wanted to do a uninstall with a clean upload. On top of all that I went to use my daughters computer after mine screwed up only to find hers was shot also. The new hard drive that was put in last September died so that one is in the shop waiting for the new hard drive to come in as it was under warranty. She said it was dead for almost a month. I yelled at her or not telling me as a little while longer and the warranty would have expired!!! So as usual both compuers are down at the same time. It never fails over here. These laptops are like 6 years old or somewhere around there and as anyone knows that is old for a computer!!!
I know the feeling Wade wifes comp (Laptop) went out and soon as I sent it off to get it fixed mine decided it needed work too so we had to drag out our old comps this laptop I'm on is almost 8 years old still going strong as ever although it is really slow
I use nortons AV tech edition as it is the one with no frills just an antivirus program no frills so no resource hog and normally about 20 cheaper than regular edition
Hi there Eddy. I do a lot of online banking and with a Paypal accnt with customers such as you guys buying pumps and some advertisers I really like the Kaspersky virtual keyboard so that no one can key log me and use my passwords to steal my money. This has happened in the past to me so this feature along with all the Anti-Phishing and a few other securities. It does hog up some speed but not as much as Nortons full version does and Kaspersky is almost always rated #1. It also has some great Parental controls for my kids that user easy.
Macintosh. The salesperson actually suggested I don't use antivirus with their computer. I haven't had a problem since I bought it, it was worth the hefty price tag.
Running Linux Mint, so I don't need an antivirus.

Windows of course needs one, and Apple recommends one for OSX. There have been mac viruses in the wild, not many, but they are out there.

Tell me why you need windows. I am a heavy computer user. I have one machine that dual boots windows 7, and I only boot to windows to play games.