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oh heck wade , the thing will be inside the cabnet , does it matter??? but the cbnets are oak....
ummmmm hell i dunno...its not reddy looking so ill say white...but i just dont know LMAO!!! :) DNW was in charge of all that when we were building :) i got to choose carpet color up stairs (builder got that wrong) and paint colors (builder did those wrong to) but all the wood was DNW ...and the builder got THAT right!!!! *grumbles* ill ask DNW to look at this thread and let us know what colors are what LMAO!

and btw

u so ROCK!!!!
Let me know what will fit in there and have him measure the diameter of the spice jars you buy. Let me know if your going to paint it as oak is not the wood I would use if your going to paint it as its not a good painting wood like poplar is. It doesnt matter to me cause I aint paining or staining it, that parts on you! :)
I have been racking everything I have going this weekend, just about. I dislocated my shoulder three weeks ago, and I'm just finally getting back to where I can pick up a full carboy, so I was way behind and racked 4 wines today. Cherry Barbera, Blueberry Pomegranate, Blackberry Pinot, and Cabernet Merlot. I racked Candy Cane and Cherry yesterday, and I have black currant left for tomorrow.
Pitched the yeast on my Kenridge Showcase Primitivo/Syrah this morning. First weekend I haven't been camping all summer so doing a bunch of yard work. Have to go help my buddy move his Moms stuff out of her house and into a care home after lunch. Going to busy!LOL
Let me know what will fit in there and have him measure the diameter of the spice jars you buy. Let me know if your going to paint it as oak is not the wood I would use if your going to paint it as its not a good painting wood like poplar is. It doesnt matter to me cause I aint paining or staining it, that parts on you! :)

LOL! ill PM , it seems he hasnt yet ...the slacker LMAO!!!!

btw...ur awsome :D
Bottled 2 6 gallon batches of wine this morning. Changed toe oil and oil filters on both our cars and also did some laundrey and food shopping and now going downstairs with my son to start 2 more wines. Everyting in 2's today! Maybe tonight Ill have 2 women in my bed! :n
Ready for this:...
Nothing wine related.
Unless you consider drinking it WORK ! :)
Got back from my trip to Julie's a couple hours ago. Had dinner with Kat and now we are at her brothers house for a bit. Put the bottles I got from the trip on the wine rack.
Can't wait until they age. Gonna be hard to wait :)
Got back from my trip to Julie's a couple hours ago. Had dinner with Kat and now we are at her brothers house for a bit. Put the bottles I got from the trip on the wine rack.
Can't wait until they age. Gonna be hard to wait :)

Dan, I'm glad you two made it back ok. Drank some more of your wine tonight with the leftovers, it was very tasty. And had some of our Cherry wine with your chocolate cupcakes, oh that is so good.
Made lemon pepper catfish, cajun shrimp, steamed cauliflower, and rice medely for dinner last night for my wife.

I'm back at work today wishing I had the day off. It was nice having a 3 day weekend and being able to sleep in. I really need to take a couple days off when the weather is nice and get some stuff around the house done.