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spent the evening relaxing, though i did find a shattered hrdyo in my dish drain! D'OH! oh well at least Ive got a spare right!!! thatll teach me to clean up behind myslef LOL!

hope everyone had a great day!
Ahhh, OK! :) It was a hard day because \I had to glue up some ridiculous stuff at work today for a pretty serious stair Im building for some big wig. I will take some pics of this stair as I go along so that you can comprehend the kind of work i do and why I come home so achy! Lets just say my hands are killing me today as I have turned more clamps today then most will ever do in a lifetime and my blisters and callus's have blisters and callus's!
Just picked up my enormaous new steel basement door to replace th old wooden one which some hacker built for myn walk out basement. I had to cusym oreder it and thats as big as they get for a single door. 44" is pretty big and weighs in.

That's a huge door Wade, I thought 36" was as big as they get -why such a big door? are you hauling grapes in there with your lawn tractor?!
36" was as bg as 1 place told me and I was going to get it but really dodnt want to close the opening in so much so looked around at a few more places and believe it or not Home Depot was the only place that could get this bigger door and it was even very cheap to top that off. $197 all said and done. This is the basement door where I bring all my tools in and out of and getting my table sqw and planer and those kind of tools through a 36" door would either be very tough or impossible without taking them apart.
At work today, have a meeting at 1:30 then I'll head over and pick up the Island Mist Black Berry Cab that my brother in law wants me to make for his mother. (she liked the batch I made for ourselves with the increased alcohol) I'll likely get this into the primary tomorrow or Sunday.

Stopped by Pennsylvania Wine Cellars last night while in Station Square for our LGA dinner. Picked up a bottle of their spiced apple wine and 2 bottles of Elderberry. Only one made it through dinner, as they were charging $6.85 per glass for house wine and a bottle there was $8.99. We had to pour it from under the table but no big deal. It was very tasty and well worth the effort. (need to find elderberries this year)
I helped install a 48" solid core door a few years ago. That was one heavy son of a gun. I was going to say beech (LOL), but i think it was walnut. The door itself costed this bloke something crazy like 4 grand, it was pretty though. IMO not pretty enough for 4g's.

$4000 for a door thats nothing, him and the wife spent almost 50, yes I said 50 thousand just on kitchen cabinets, all hand made hickory. Sorry, I could buy a damn airplane for that and still have my little cabin.
At work today, have a meeting at 1:30 then I'll head over and pick up the Island Mist Black Berry Cab that my brother in law wants me to make for his mother. (she liked the batch I made for ourselves with the increased alcohol) I'll likely get this into the primary tomorrow or Sunday.

Stopped by Pennsylvania Wine Cellars last night while in Station Square for our LGA dinner. Picked up a bottle of their spiced apple wine and 2 bottles of Elderberry. Only one made it through dinner, as they were charging $6.85 per glass for house wine and a bottle there was $8.99. We had to pour it from under the table but no big deal. It was very tasty and well worth the effort. (need to find elderberries this year)

Doug, that bottle of spiced apple is made by Heritage Wine Cellars up here in Northeast. For samples, they keep the bottle in a crock pot with warm water and serve it heated up. It is a good traditional Christmas wine.
A member in here sent me a sample of his spiced apple madiera for Christmas. That stuff was outrageous, I swear it could cure more than the common cold. Not something you would want to drink all night but it was VERY good. he actually cooked it in an"ETUFFA" I think is what you call it. Pretty darn good, thats all I can say. Allie talked about something similar with a hint of ginger.
Well, I am off today:db...Oh Crap thats permenant as my job was eliminated yesterday:slp. Getting ready to wash more bottles, as I have a lot of wine that could be bottled. Anyone nearby interested in a road trip to Walkers Saturday. Thinking about leaving early and being there around 10:00 when they open. Picking up some Rhubarb juice and Vidal to make an ice wine.
At work today, have a meeting at 1:30 then I'll head over and pick up the Island Mist Black Berry Cab that my brother in law wants me to make for his mother. (she liked the batch I made for ourselves with the increased alcohol) I'll likely get this into the primary tomorrow or Sunday.

Im starting the blackberry cab this week what sg did u take it up to and what else did u do different
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Hey, washing bottles? What about the rest of the dishes and the laundry? Hey your househusband now, you got chores to do you can't just run off to Walkers!

I'm off today as well, and I am will be starting my 4 day weeks pretty soon. I have 14 vacation days to use up by the end of June. 4 day weeks are awesome but a bi+ch when I have to go back to 5 day weeks.
Hey, washing bottles? What about the rest of the dishes and the laundry? Hey your househusband now, you got chores to do you can't just run off to Walkers!

I'm off today as well, and I am will be starting my 4 day weeks pretty soon. I have 14 vacation days to use up by the end of June. 4 day weeks are awesome but a bi+ch when I have to go back to 5 day weeks.

Ok Little girl, as you wrote this I was emptying the dishwasher and put any dirty dishes back in it....so there!!! LMAO:tz:db:tz:db
Ahh and some other good news, I checked my pay stub on line and I got a nice bonus I thought I was going to get screwed out of! I guess when you,re in HR and you know all of the avenues you can take it's cheaper for the company to do the right thing then to face the consequences.:b
At work today, have a meeting at 1:30 then I'll head over and pick up the Island Mist Black Berry Cab that my brother in law wants me to make for his mother. (she liked the batch I made for ourselves with the increased alcohol) I'll likely get this into the primary tomorrow or Sunday.

Im starting the blackberry cab this week what sg did u take it up to and what else did u do different

I took it up to about 1.074. I believe it was about 3 1/2 lbs of sugar but I can't remember off the top of my head. It is very good and is an early drinker. I have the Green Apple Reisling started the same way and will be stabilizing this weekend.

Here is the post from the Black Berry. You won't be sorry with this one.

Doug, that bottle of spiced apple is made by Heritage Wine Cellars up here in Northeast. For samples, they keep the bottle in a crock pot with warm water and serve it heated up. It is a good traditional Christmas wine.

The Arrowhead spiced apple sold at Trax Farms and Soergles is also served warm when you sample it. I think the Heritage is better tasting than the Arrowhead.

I have to say though I liked our batch betterm maybe it's because it was our first batch from scratch. Ours still had a slight tart taste to it, but had a hint of clove, cinnimon and ginger.
Ok Little girl, as you wrote this I was emptying the dishwasher and put any dirty dishes back in it....so there!!! LMAO:tz:db:tz:db
Ahh and some other good news, I checked my pay stub on line and I got a nice bonus I thought I was going to get screwed out of! I guess when you,re in HR and you know all of the avenues you can take it's cheaper for the company to do the right thing then to face the consequences.:b

Oh I just love it when someone calls me "little girl" :h

It is always an advantage to know labor laws. :b Happy job hunting, I was talking to a lady over at the Fieldhouse (that is the local restaurant we go to) who, also, works in HR and she said the indicators that she looks at are showing that our economy is getting better, very slow but better. Lets hope, there is a lot of people out there without jobs.
Hey Julie, I don't suppose you'd be willing to come help me bottle soon. I am calling George to order a new toy I'll let you play with!!! :tz

cause they look real pretty:r Honestly I got em before I realized you guys just put the bottles back in the boxes upside down after you cleaned them. I was thinking for some unknown reason that would induce some kind of cardboard oder back into the bottle putting them back in wet. But I got them now so I use them, and you gotta admit they do look pretty when full:b