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He's gone ROGUE!!

I could see a hose going right out the window... forget the carboys!! LOL
I spent the morning cleaning up a small flood in my house......but it had nothing to do with the weather! The drain hose from the washing machine got blocked...what a mess in the pantry!
I spent the morning cleaning up a small flood in my house......but it had nothing to do with the weather! The drain hose from the washing machine got blocked...what a mess in the pantry!

Well that bites, You get prepped for a storm and something like this happens! Uggggg
Me too. I now carry an Epi Pen with me. Every sting gets worse. The last one made breathing very difficult. Benadryl helps, but can only do so much with anaphylaxis.

You be very careful Grapeman we don't need to be looseing you there isn't enough of us on the forum to clean out your wine cellar
Just finished cleaning up the yard from the storm. Lots of branches and leaves but thats all gone now. Tomorrow Ill probably be doing the same over my parents house. They lost power at 6 am but refuse to let me bring over the generator!!! They are the most stubborn people I know!!! Uhhhhhh

I'll bet your kids can relate to this also about you Wade
Piddling with my Niagara wine. Just a quick question: If you add Tannin, does it give the wine a tart taste? I was "testing" the Niagara yesterday and my wife said it tasted rather tart. I added a good f-pak, and that seemed to take the tartness out, but I was wondering if that would be the cause.
Took a half day off work to do some more cleaning in the basement. Concentrated on the laundry room today. It's slowly getting there. I took the attitude of I'm throwing it all away. I have stuff at the curb from one driveway to another.
That's a lot of crab apples!

And those fish look awesome Loren! Did they put up much of a fight?
That's a lot of crab apples!

And those fish look awesome Loren! Did they put up much of a fight?

Yes, was a ball, four more today, they have really turned on up here in the North Woods and surprisingly they are excellent table fare especially with Elderberry Wine, a friend of mine just came up here with some thee year old wine. Loren
Just had to finish school shopping for my daughter. The things these schools demand nowadays are just out of control! She had about 1/2 of her supplies already and we went to Walmart and it still costed $70!!!!! Plus I have another kid, all in all it must have costed almost $160!!!!! When I went to school I needed 1 notebook, she needed 4 big notebooks and shes only in 8th grade. Freaking ridiculous!
Just had to finish school shopping for my daughter. The things these schools demand nowadays are just out of control! She had about 1/2 of her supplies already and we went to Walmart and it still costed $70!!!!! Plus I have another kid, all in all it must have costed almost $160!!!!! When I went to school I needed 1 notebook, she needed 4 big notebooks and shes only in 8th grade. Freaking ridiculous!

So did you find out if the teacher is hot or not so you can decide if you can make the parent/teacher conference or not?
Last 2 times she was, no idea on this one Dan. Hers to hopng for a little eye candy.