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Brian, please dont use that unit without an overflow in line especially using it for the first time, It can catch you off guard and go right up the hose fast kind of like when making beer and wham, THE BOIL OVER!!!

Thanks Wade. I won't! I just tried it degassing for just a min. Like I said I will be getting a few pieces for it including an overflow bottle.
Cleaning & Organinzing my Wine Making/Bar area. Were having a New Years Party and i want to get all of my stuff organized and put away so some :d
Friends dont get into what im brewing! Id really hate to have someone ruin a batch thats half way finished.
Scored on about 12-14 cases of wine bottles today. Not all cases were full. Have 5 cases cleaned and delabled other than some minor adhesive that some denatured aclohol will get rid of. Still have 8 more to go. I'm making sure these are placed in boxes according to type since they are all from the same winery that way hopefully I can make some sense of our bottles.
Well tonight I fpacked my Blk cherry / Concord with some of the same juice that I started with. I think it is sweet enough but I will double check before I bottle. Also piched my yeast in my Vintners Harvest Kiwi making about 4 gallons. It really smells a little weird not really what I thought kiwi would smell like. I eat them once in a while and they don't smell like this. We will see. I handed out quite a few bottles of my first SP at work today. I think it is great and can't wait to get some feedback.. Lon I think I will be starting another batch next week..
What a long week. Im so ready for tomorrow and relaxing...Oh wait, I cant!!! Dang birthday parties for children I have never met!!! UGH! LOL
oh well Ky will be happy.
Racked my Skeeter pee (its really clearing fast. Started it mid Nov. and its pretty clear!)
Racked my Skeeter Tea (its not any where near clear!) I figure thats gona not get bottled till spring. Cleaned up my Wine making area, was thinking about starting a 10 Gal batch of apple & my 5 gal batch of blackberry but i guess ill wait till after the new year to start them.
What a long week. Im so ready for tomorrow and relaxing...Oh wait, I cant!!! Dang birthday parties for children I have never met!!! UGH! LOL
oh well Ky will be happy.

I remember those days, 8 to 10 little girls in the house screaming through the house, all of them laughing and having a good time, oh what memories.....................hey wait, I don't have to do that anymore! This is sooooo much nicer just remembering.
Off to play Santa for our VFD. We ride around on the trucks every year and hand out candy. We I was young, we use to chase the fire truck to get the candy, any more, us fire fighters have to walk to the house to give them the candy. Kids are just getting lazier and lazier it seems. It's still nice to see the excitement in their eyes when Santa Comes to Town.
What a nice tradition, yeah kids do seem to be getting lazier but then again parents can't let their children out of their yards, you never know what type of scumbag is waiting around the corner.
Late yesterday I found 4 cases of empty wine bottles. Guess whats planned for today?

Damn wish they were FULL.
Off to play Santa for our VFD. We ride around on the trucks every year and hand out candy. We I was young, we use to chase the fire truck to get the candy, any more, us fire fighters have to walk to the house to give them the candy. Kids are just getting lazier and lazier it seems. It's still nice to see the excitement in their eyes when Santa Comes to Town.

Good for you Doug, that's awesome you're doing that!
Late yesterday I found 4 cases of empty wine bottles. Guess whats planned for today?

Damn wish they were FULL.

Why, where would you put them????? :)
Me, I have a few more vacuum units that came in that I need to do some testing on before I can throw them up on this site for sale. If buying these units yourself on the sites available then my advice to you is to read them very very well as they love to slip stuff in like it doesnt work in a very hard to find spot. There are 2 places where they describe the stuff on these sites and one is from the site itself and another is from the seller and they dont always coincide with each other. :re
Well I did my FIRST EVER transfer from the bucket to the carboy with my FIRST EVER batch of wine. (White Zin) It is now sits with the vapor lock on it as we watch the wine farts bubble up one by one.
Acording to my wine kit instructions I won't touch it again for another 10 days when I check the density to see if it is stable for two days in a row.
I guess we'll just drink our winery wine while we wait. :)
I pitched the yeast in my batch of storebought grape juice wine. Later today we are heading to our friends home for beers and pizza and to see their xmas tree which was a resident of my back yard for many years until I cut it down a few weeks ago and gave it to them.
Well I did my FIRST EVER transfer from the bucket to the carboy with my FIRST EVER batch of wine. (White Zin) It is now sits with the vapor lock on it as we watch the wine farts bubble up one by one.
Acording to my wine kit instructions I won't touch it again for another 10 days when I check the density to see if it is stable for two days in a row.
I guess we'll just drink our winery wine while we wait. :)

:db:tz Way to go and congratulations
Sitting here sick! Fever hit me last night. Ibuprofin is keeping it donw right now though!