Toxic Levels of Arsenic Found in Popular Juice Brands

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The article seems to indicate that the source of the problem is likely the orchards and vineyards themselves. Years of using toxic pesticides has a build-up in the soils. Even though drinking juice was tested, I can only presume that wine vineyards were also treated in the past, there could be levels in those juices too. So what does it all mean? Drinking a glass of wine each day will keep me from having a heart attack, but I risk having some of my favorite body parts falling off?
I have a question on this. What fining agent do we have to use to get the arsnic and lead out?? LOL Arne.
Also, I believe somewhere in my readings on this site in the last 2 years or so I have read that some if not all fruit seeds contain arsnic. do you suppose this could have anything to do with pressing the fruits too hard and cracking the seeds releasing the arsnic. I know, I know, probably shouldn't be thinking out loud. Arne.
Arne, I believe the seeds contain hydrogen cyanide. There could also be some arsenic in the seeds as it is likely systemic in the apple tree.
What I would like to know is, what were the levels of arsenic years ago before there was any contamination from pesticides?
The quick search that I did didn't give me any answers. It appears that they just started testing for arsenic recently.
Also it may not be entirely fair to make the comparison to drinking water because all plants will uptake the minerals and metals that are present in the soil so perhaps this is a normal event.
Buddy, you are correct. The seeds contain a form of cyanide. I know this because when I purchased my Amazon parrot years ago, I was told to avoid giving her apple seeds in any great quantity for that reason. The arsenic I beleive would have come from years of pesticide use.
I've seen this thread bounce around for several days so I thought I'd take a look. Honestly I'm not the slightest bit worried about this. I did find it intersesting to see the discussion of the apple seeds. This reminded me about my brother in law. He has been fighting melanoma for several years. About two years ago my sister gave us some apricot seeds to give to him as a treatment. With his prognosis being so grim, he was ready to try anything, having been through three surgeries already. He'd made his mind up to give up on the surgeries, with his budget depleated. Well, he's been taking these seeds since then and has not had a single tumor return following his last surgery! Yes, these seeds have arsenic, which surpresses the tumor cells. So my friends, pick you posion. As for me, I think I'll have a fesh cool clas of cider.

Despite the high cost of living it is still popular!

I remember reading something as a teen that you could boil a ton of apple seeds and then skim off the cyanide. Never tried it so don't accuse me of poisoning anyone.

So the moral of the thread is - grow your own, live life to it's fullest because ya never know, and don't eat the seeds.
My understanding is that the apples containing arsenic are grown in China where their pesticides contain arsenic. They turn it into concentrate over there and ship to the US where it is reconstituted. Check the label on your juice...if it's grown outside the US it has to say so.