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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
I see we have 4,700 plus members. Do members get deleted if they do not check in after an extended period. That is a lot of wine makers. It has appeared that many folks have joined lately.

Curious when this site started and how the members progressed.

Again hats off to the administrators and moderators.
Members do not get deleted just because of absence. I believe it started in 2006 but I wasnt here back then. I believe it was started for the forum owners wife to run and then she lost interest and the site kind of got left without admin for awhile and we lost a lot of members. Spam was running rampant then.
You have to admit that's a lot of folks, even if just reading and in only 4 - 5 years. Maybe with the economy many are looking to make their own and save a few bucks.

Is this template something that can be purchased and adapted to whatever topic someone wants? I can see this being a great forum for just about whatever you want. Good job to those who started it.
Ok, time to be nosey,,,,,,
Wade E how did you come into the forum as the Admin, did you purchase it from the original owners or do they still own it and you just run it????

I haven't been here long enough to have any rep or to have learned much about when or where the forum started, so I figured I would just ask since you mentioned some info on it.

I was on here for awhile when and during the seriuos amounts of spammers wre breaking own the door here and after many posts here the opportunity opened up as the forum owner needed someone serious help here to get it back under control as he runs a much bigger monster I was and still am moderator on for quite awhile so I already had the experience and jumped on the opportunity to run and fix this site. I ave changed this site quite a bit but left it somewhat the same. there are templates that are given when you purchase a forum and tey can be modified. I basically changed most of it to suit the needs of being able to group as much info as possible like adding a seperate area for most kits so we wouldnt get confused if the post in question was about a W.E. kit or say a RJ Spagnols.
Well Wade it looks like you are doing an outstanding job,,,

Keep it up, Maybe down the road I will be able to contribute more than the annoying newbe type of post.

I was on here for awhile when and during the seriuos amounts of spammers wre breaking own the door here and after many posts here the opportunity opened up as the forum owner needed someone serious help here to get it back under control as he runs a much bigger monster I was and still am moderator on for quite awhile so I already had the experience and jumped on the opportunity to run and fix this site. I ave changed this site quite a bit but left it somewhat the same. there are templates that are given when you purchase a forum and tey can be modified. I basically changed most of it to suit the needs of being able to group as much info as possible like adding a seperate area for most kits so we wouldnt get confused if the post in question was about a W.E. kit or say a RJ Spagnols.

Wade asked me and the other mods to help out. You can see I been here longer that Wade. BUT, spam was running rampent and I stayed away. When Wade asked me for help I jumped at helping him. ( He's DA man!)
St Allie took the task and "thinned" out the spammers.
You have to admit there are very FEW spammers as Wade has mods that are here most of the day
Thank the Lord Tom and Allie jumped in when they did! There was no way I could keep up with 1/2 the spam and questions. I must say Allie was the Spam killer above me and Tom. She knows more about looking into IP addresses and that kind of stuff to kill them while me and Tom played it by ear. Now that our forum is on its new server the spam is pretty much non existant.

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