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I have to wonder if the different yeast used were the cause of different results to the fining agent? I have read that not all yeast respond the same due to the differences in the density of the negative charge inthe cell walls of aparticular strain. Trial and error I suppose, I'm trying sparkaloid out next , just to see how it performs (Ive never used before)
Racked the Rhubarb/Pineapple wine this AM....it is finally clearing nicely....after the Super-Kleer failure [maybe I put it in the wine too early in the process] and then the Isinglass success.

Edited by: Northern Winos
The rhubarb has cleared up nicely. I am about to rack it again.


I have a question. I put stabilizer in itafter the SG got down to .990 and stay there for a week or so. I plan on back sweetening before I bottle it. Do I need to add more stabilizer before I add the syrup or will it be alright just to add the syrup?

Edited by: swillologist
No need to add any more swill as long as you used the recommended dosage.
That looks really nice and clear and like Waldo says your good to go on sweetening with no further addition of stabilizer.
Thanks guys! Yep waldo put in1/2tsp. per gallonas called for. It still has to sit a little longer and then to the bottle.

Some place to start. I know that about everybody has a different opinion on howdry awine should be. I am defiantly not a connoisseur of fine wine. Semi-dry is where I think I want to be. So now for the question. About how much of the syrup (2 parts sugar,1 part water) should I add. I think I read somewhere to add 1 oz. per bottle or 5 ozs. per gallon. Does this sound about right? Any other recommendations would be appreciated.
I would recommend starting out with a couple of ozs in the gallon. Stir it in, let it set for a day or two and then try it and add more if needed.
Bottled the Rhubarb/Pineapple wine today....


Did half of it Sparkling and half as still wine. Notice how cloudy the Sparkling bottle is with the yeast and sugar added.

The wine finished at .996...tastes sweet to me, but I think it is the Pineapple flavor that makes it seem sweet.

Next year I will do it again, with less Pineapple...can't taste any Rhubarb at all....it is nice wine and I think the Sparkling bottles will be awesome.
Sounds great and I love pineapple. Have you ever laid your sparkling wines on their side NW? Ever have a problem with any leaking. I wonder if I got a bad batch of stoppers.
I have never laid them down...they shouldn't leak no matter what position they are in....especially with the pressure in them.

I think some bottles and stoppers vary a bit...the imported bottles might be different as some come with real corksand the less expensive sparkling wines may vary in sizes too as the bottles vary a lot.....

I like to try to use the same type of bottleswitheach batch.....but now I am using a real mix of bottles...some don't even have a punt...and I wonder if they will take the presure....Some cheap-o Sparkling wine came in some of those bottles. I will shake those bottles with caution.

So...we just have to have faith and keep an eye on them.Edited by: Northern Winos
I bottled the rhubarb wine yesterday. I needed a carboy for my next batch. Here is my feeble attemptat making a label.



I am using printworkshop 2006 LE. Does anyone know if I can color the background? The only other thing I can think of is using colored paper.
Hey, that a great looking label Swillologist! And that wine looks very clear. Did it clear on it's own or did you add something to help?
Very nice, Did you filter it. As far as the background coloring in, Im not familiar with that program but you could do it with paint program that is on almost every computer under the start menu, all programs, accessories.
Thanks you!

It's still young NW. You can really tastea lot ofalcohol. Right now I can get a hint of the rhubarb.I hope it gets better with some age.

I used Super Kleer Tim. The guy at the local wine shop said that rhubarb is hard to clear. I guess I just got lucky.

No wade I don't have a filter. Someday I hope to get one. If PWP was coming back up I-35 I should have had her pick me up a Vinbrite. Oh well one of these days I will have to send an order in to George.
One of my boys tried to show me how to do it on paint last night but I didn't get it figure out. I will have to have him show me how when he is home sometime. The other boy said he worked with print shop a lot when he was on the yearbook staff when he was in high school. He didn't think there was anyway to color the background. He thought the only way to do it was with colored paper.
When God gives you lemons....You make lemonade.

Today the high noon temperature is a blistering -12*F...with a windchill of near -35*F....It is clear and sunny....

What a perfect day to dégorge some wines that have been needing it...

Within 30 minutes out on the deck we had plenty of ice in the necks of the bottles....Wearing rubber gloves, protective eye wear and heavy clothing we ventured outside and dégorged the wine...


And of course we did have a 'Champagne lunch'....

If the bottles ever stop sweating I will get some labels on them.

The plastic stoppers got discolored from the wine...what is that all about??? The Pineapple...the Rhubarb???


BTW....the wine is better than expected.

Off to do some Sparkling Apple Wine next...
Looks awesome NW, I'm still a week away, hope its not still cold enough outside to do this! Haven't tried any of the still batch I made, maybe its time.
NW: I would love to make a sparkling Apple when you get ready to make yours if you don't mind. Having never done it, it would be great to have the extra help if you would. I can get what ever supplies I need to. Does yours usually finish on the sweeter side? Or doesn't it need it?