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I have a couple ofquestions. My rhubarb wine is about done doing it's thing, .998 SG. I plan on bulk aging it. The recipe calls for anti oxidant. Do I put it in whenI bulk age the wine or later when I bottle it? My second question has to do with if I do put the anti oxidant in now and I have touse some super-kleer to clear itup. Do I use the super-kleer before or after I put the anti oxidant in? Or does it make a difference?
All good questions. Myself, I would stabilize, clear , then put in the anti oxidant, perhaps others would have a different opinions or reasons to do otherwise that I am not aware of.
K-meta is anti-oxidant and should be put in before bulk aging and you can add the SuperKeer also.
Thanks JW and Wade. I will put a stabilizer in before I put the SuperKleer and anti oxidant in. I don't have K-meta. I have ascorbic acid as an anti oxidant.
I put Ascorbic acid in the wine when I bottle it to keep the color in fruit wines....I have read that it can be added in the beginning of the fermentation also to keep the fruit wines from discoloring....I don't really know if there is a right and wrong time to add it.
Thanks NW. I was told to put it in when bottling. But if I was bulk aging, I didn't know if the wine would start to oxidize.
Ah, so thats why I have a bottle of Ascorbic acid , maybe with this larger batch I will use some, the one gallon batches don't last long enough to discolor

Rhubarb has really picked up some steam, Smell is allot better than I expected. Seems a few of the gals that work with my wife are interested in this one, I better keep it under lock and key
I cant remember ever having rhubarb in any fashion, so it will be new and different to me.
I also started a Raspberry and a Blueberry, intentionally went just over a gallon on each, so when I rack I will have enough from the two to blend with the 2/3 bottle of traditional mead from a previous batch, just love the experimenting!

I usually stumble onto ideas like this, hard to believe for once I planned ahead.
Those are looking good. Love the look of the bluberry.

How big is your Rhubarb batch??? Do you have to punch down the floating stuff oftan to keep them fermenting???
Wow! Everyone has been busy! I too am working on two batches of Rhubarb/Strawberry wine and have a question. My recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of Citric acid. Can I substitute Lemon juice? Thank you in advance.
Northern Winos said:
Those are looking good. Love the look of the bluberry.

How big is your Rhubarb batch??? Do you have to punch down the floating stuff oftan to keep them fermenting???

Its a 5 gal batch, yes, I punch it down at least once a day so far, try to do it twice, Morning and Evening. So far it is fermenting very strong! Chopped and froze more rhubarb this morning, maybe try Jobes juice freeze method next time, need to round up one of those steamers.
jsmahoney said:
Wow! Everyone has been busy! I too am working on two batches of Rhubarb/Strawberry wine and have a question. My recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of Citric acid. Can I substitute Lemon juice? Thank you in advance.

From what I recall fresh lemon juice roughly contains 5% citric acid so in order to get 2 teaspoons of citric you would need ~6.5 oz or 40 teaspoons of juice.

40t x 0.05 = 2t

Might add quite a bit of lemon flavor to the batch so keep that in mind.
masta said:
jsmahoney said:
Wow! Everyone has been busy! I too am working on two batches of Rhubarb/Strawberry wine and have a question. My recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of Citric acid. Can I substitute Lemon juice? Thank you in advance.

From what I recall fresh lemon juice roughly contains 5% citric acid so in order to get 2 teaspoons of citric you would need ~6.5 oz or 40 teaspoons of juice.

40t x 0.05 = 2t

Might add quite a bit of lemon flavor to the batch so keep that in mind.

ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS????????????? Do without???????????? Does it really need it?????????? Local grocery store open; otherwise internet order!

JanetEdited by: jsmahoney
Acid blend will do fine as it contains citric acid and 2 others which
are tartaric and malic, which will produce the tartness in which you
are looking for.
wade said:
Acid blend will do fine as it contains citric acid and 2 others which are tartaric and malic, which will produce the tartness in which you are looking for.

THANK YOU SO MUCH WADE! It's been awhile since I've been on this forum due to working hours and the Ranch chores. So, appreciate the fast help! You are a life saver/or wine saver!
Was missing you here of late, slow down and smell the roses...and maybe have a glass of wine!
Was missing you here of late, slow down and smell the roses...and maybe have a glass of wine!

Thanks jwminnesota! I greatly appreciate the being missed, and Yes I think i will take your advice and have a glass of wine, and smell some roses! Sounds like a winner!