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When I was 16, I worked for a trucking company for the summer, painting a new building and repairing/replacing down tires. On my first day, my boss explained to me that if he found out I inflated a tire outside of the cage, if it didn't kill me, he would.

The rims of big tires are 2 pieces, with one side of the rim called a split rim. Prior to inflation, the tire is placed inside the cage. During inflation the "split rim" can pop off and fly with considerable force, doing extreme damage to the fragile human body. Inflating tires inside the cage protects the person doing the inflation and limits potential damage. I never had one pop, and am happy about it. I've seen videos, and the results can be ugly.
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When I was 16, I worked for a trucking company for the summer, painting a new building and repairing/replacing down tires. On my first day, my boss explained to me that if he found out I inflated a tire outside of the cage, if it didn't kill me, he would.

The rims of big tires are 2 pieces, with one side of the rim called a split rim. Prior to inflation, the tire is placed inside the cage. During inflation the "split rim" can pop off and fly with considerable force, doing extreme damage to the fragile human body. Inflating tires inside the cage protects the person doing the inflation and limits potential damage. I never had one pop, and am happy about it. I've seen videos, and the results can be ugly.

I did a bunch of those from age 16-20. No cage. We would lower an adjustable arm car hoist down on top of the tire and wheel. Oh yeah, they can pop off for sure! I never had one do it, but other guys did.