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However, before I moved to NC, I was afraid of spiders so I fully understand your feelings towards snakes.
I know a guy who WILL scream like a little girl at the sight of a spider. Part of me understands and feels sorry for him. The other part,'s hilarious to see.
Moving to the country there's certainly numerous things that, at the bare minimum, you have to accept.
Thinking about moving to the country?
Found this in my basement last year. I did laundry with a machete for the longest time.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate snakes. (BAD childhood experience.)
I've identified at least 5 flavors in the yard and the buggers are all too damn friendly - they say "HI!" when they're 2 inches away. I instantly go airborne but so far have not screamed like a little girl. It's more of a manly scream. 😂
Pretty sure this is from a rat snake. No, I haven't seen evidence of mice for a couple years, and yes, I know they usually travel in pairs. Gee, that's comforting to know.

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I have a friend who happens to be a shapely, attractive woman. She hates snakes, despite having a hobby of hiking in exotic destinations. Anyway, she tells the story that she remembers, as a thirtysomething, going into the laundry room in the house she grew up in while visiting her father. She reports that she has no recollection of what happened in the interim, but she "came to" to find herself holding a hoe, looking at a big snake that had been chopped into many small pieces. Does not recall how she got the hoe or what happened in the meantime!
Thinking about moving to the country?
Found this in my basement last year. I did laundry with a machete for the longest time.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate snakes. (BAD childhood experience.)
I've identified at least 5 flavors in the yard and the buggers are all too damn friendly - they say "HI!" when they're 2 inches away. I instantly go airborne but so far have not screamed like a little girl. It's more of a manly scream. 😂
Pretty sure this is from a rat snake. No, I haven't seen evidence of mice for a couple years, and yes, I know they usually travel in pairs. Gee, that's comforting to know.

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I'm not a big snake fan either, but we leave snakes like the rat or black snakes alone. We have too many of the furry field foragers and they help maintaining those numbers. The only time I dispatch one is if they are next to, or in the house. Snakes have a bad habit of returning to lay eggs or bear live little ones, and I don't want that in or around the house. I do find garters or racers in the vineyard every year. The black snakes also help keep copperheads and rattlers out as they are food for the constrictors, which is a great reason to let the black snakes be.
I keep my vanilla extract in old bourbon bottles. The first time I fail to pay attention to the color and the extra label?
It's going to be a surprise!

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Y'all may have figured out I like Evan Williams Single Barrel .....

Fellow fan of the Evan Williams single barrel- you've got excellent taste!
What type are these?
Those are eastern garter snakes. They are very common around here. We also have fox snakes, red bellies, eastern hognose, green, and milk snakes.

we used to take live snakes and other reptiles and amphibians to the county fair and let the kids hold the snakes. It was really funny to see adults head for the exit when they saw someone holding a snake. The “scream and runners” were 2:1 men.
Those are eastern garter snakes. They are very common around here. We also have fox snakes, red bellies, eastern hognose, green, and milk snakes.

we used to take live snakes and other reptiles and amphibians to the county fair and let the kids hold the snakes. It was really funny to see adults head for the exit when they saw someone holding a snake. The “scream and runners” were 2:1 men.
I thought they were, but coloration/marking vary from region to region, so thought I'd ask.
I have dry laid rock walls that harbor snakes by the dozen. My grandsons and I like to see how many we can find sunning on the walls in the morning. They like lumber piles too
I like snakes, so this was really cool to see. Many moons ago I had a ball python as a pet. My wife forbids me to get another one ....

We use the cement base plate for an old AC unit as the step outside our back door. A few years back I pried it up (for reasons I don't remember). Underneath were 10,000 baby black snakes, which scattered in all directions.

Ok, ok, there were NOT 10,000 snakes -- it just looked that way with them squirming around each other as they bolted. I'm guessing 12-15, which is still interesting to see.
I know a guy who WILL scream like a little girl at the sight of a spider. Part of me understands and feels sorry for him. The other part,'s hilarious to see.
Moving to the country there's certainly numerous things that, at the bare minimum, you have to accept.
my youngest brother has acrophobia,, man the whooping's i got growing up, I'd scotch tape a grand, daddy long legs,,, I'd tape it about 4 inches below his pillow with a sheet over it, finally dad told me, he'd let mom kill me,, he'd scream like a little girl, ,, I've heard he's still the same,
he'll climb your couch, chair, refrigerator, you name it, he's climbed it, both mom and dad forbid me of wrappings a Christmas gift for him,
him and i don't get along, i hate cheats, liars, thieves, and mooches,,,
You guys ever try to teach your dog to smile?
Our Hank is a smiler although we never taught him to do it. He is the friendliest dog we’ve ever had and hates being in trouble. If he thinks he’s going to get yelled at he smiles to ask forgiveness. It usually works.