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It's cute alright. But rabbit season is about to open up and i learned from Elmer Fudds mistakes. Lol

I hear you on that one. Just remember to never stick a double-barrel down a rabbit hole. The rabbit will simply tie the gun into a bow-tie so that when you pull the trigger, it will explode in your face.

Can you believe that today's parents actually worry about their kids imitating this?
I hear you on that one. Just remember to never stick a double-barrel down a rabbit hole. The rabbit will simply tie the gun into a bow-tie so that when you pull the trigger, it will explode in your face.

Can you believe that today's parents actually worry about their kids imitating this?

And they just seem to care about all the 1st person shooter games these kids play on their playstation and xbox!
Egyptian geese

There are a lot of Canada geese on the university campus where I work at the campus lake, but the university photographer recently spotted a pair that really look different. Turns out they are Egyptian geese from Africa. They usually are not seen in the U.S. unless they have escaped from a zoo or private collection. These two just showed up one day. They are still there, I saw them just yesterday driving by the lake. They mate for life.

My wee fella got 2nd place in the leading class :pic

What a cute little wee fella he is. And a mighty nice looking sheep.

Jim, those ducks are beautiful! I'm sure whomever dropped them off knew the university would be a safe haven for them.
Rocky said:
In addition to our two Poodles, Louie and Gina, we are watching Carlo (little guy) and Marley for the weekend while our Daughter is in Florida.

I have always wanted a miniature poodle, but I always got vetoed. They are beautiful. On a side note my Christmas cactus is blowing also.
Good eye there, Shelley. We had a beautiful Christmas cactus that was huge and I divided it into three pieces. It will take a year or two for it to recover from my "surgery" but at least it is blooming. I also took a planter apart that had the palm, ivy and dieffenbachia and re-planted it.

Also, Carlo, the small gray Poodle in the picture above is a toy Poodle. Louie in the picture below is a miniature, although he is somewhat of a "porker."


Wow, I haven't been there since I was a teenager. Swimming in the ocean! Let's have a WMT get together this summer - everyone bring a few of their favourite bottles!