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You sure do. I hope you have someone with you!! Company that far from home is priceless! Look forward to your pics and updates!!
That is either one really short dude, or that snake is a lot more than 5 foot 8.

Its Timber rattlers in Southern KY where my people are from. Thats a big one. I have seen the diamond backs of Texas also when I lived there.
Its hard to enplane to people who dont live with poisonous snakes to try to understand.
You can get comfortable and you relax. I mean you can go weeks and weeks with out seeing one and then there you are... Face to face!!
I honestly still dont understand it.
My gandma would run out if you yelled rattle snake and cut its head off like a pioneer women. She was protecting her family. They were not aloud to breed close to the house if they could prevent it. EVERYONE THEY SAW THEY KILLED!! Same thing with bears!! Sighhhhh... my phobia and they decided to reestablish the black bear and elk in southern KY. Spear me!! I don want to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dont!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I was never aloud to go berry picking when I was a kid in KY.
One summer I was with a new friend I had made.
Im sorry to say I was so young I dont remember her name. It was one summer day. One Honorable summer day.
We were about 7. I was anyway. she was close enough... We were playing and had wondered out to far from the house and into a berry patch. As much as I had been warned I followed her.
I was always told "Never leave the yard!!"
She was local so I though she knows better then me. I was just tying to fit in and keep up.
We had picked a few berries and ate them right there off the bush. they were sweet and wonderful.
She had put some berries in her shirt tail to hold them. I did too!
She bent over and they all spilled out on the ground. She simply bent over over to pick them up off the ground.
God, It happened so fast . It was a timber rattler and it got her on face.
The closer to your heart the lesser your chance.
By the time the Ambulance got there her face and shoulders were black!! Its was awful. She died before she got to the hospital. After that day I walked from the door to the car. I never played in the yard again like that.
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Its Timber rattlers in Southern KY where my people are from. Thats a big one. I have seen the diamond backs of Texas also when I lived there.
Its hard to enplane to people who dont live with poisonous snakes to try to understand.
You can get comfortable and you relax. I mean you can go weeks and weeks with out seeing one and then there you are... Face to face!!
I honestly still dont understand it.
My gandma would run out if you yelled rattle snake and cut its head off like a pioneer women. She was protecting her family. They were not aloud to breed close to the house if they could prevent it. EVERYONE THEY SAW THEY KILLED!! Same thing with bears!! Sighhhhh... my phobia and they decided to reestablish the black bear and elk in southern KY. Spear me!! I don want to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dont!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I was never aloud to go berry picking when I was a kid in KY.
One summer I was with a new friend I had made.
Im sorry to say I was so young I dont remember her name. It was one summer day. One Honorable summer day.
We were about 7. I was anyway. she was close enough... We were playing and had wondered out to far from the house and into a berry patch. As much as I had been warned I followed her.
I was always told "Never leave the yard!!"
She was local so I though she knows better then me. I was just tying to fit in and keep up.
We had picked a few berries and ate them right there off the bush. they were sweet and wonderful.
She had put some berries in her shirt tail to hold them. I did too!
She bent over and they all spilled out on the ground. She simply bent over over to pick them up off the ground.
God, It happened so fast . It was a timber rattler and it got her on face.
The closer to your heart the lesser your chance.
By the time the Ambulance got there her face and shoulders were black!! Its was awful. She died before she got to the hospital. After that day I walked from the door to the car. I never played in the yard again like that.

Margaret!! Her first name was Margaret!! (blush)
OMG Tess that's terrible for a young memory.
So grateful to live in NZ; worst thing we have is a whitetail spider or Katipo spider; pretty harmless really.
My Mum lived in South Africa until 45 years ago when she came here. She still shakes out her gumboots.
45 years. Truly.
OMG Tess that's terrible for a young memory.
So grateful to live in NZ; worst thing we have is a whitetail spider or Katipo spider; pretty harmless really.
My Mum lived in South Africa until 45 years ago when she came here. She still shakes out her gumboots.
45 years. Truly.

My mom and Dad were from Appalachia. I was too I guess but we moved to Cincinnati and from then on it was always the summers for me. They always called it "down home" It was a horrible memory, it really was, I was also reminded tonight that I did get over it !! Now, I dont know if I really saw her or I just layed awake that night listening to my parents!! I think I saw it but I may have been just young and impressionable. I can see my mom and dad not letting me see all that but I can also see me staying up that night and hearing them talk. the details. Who could sleep after that?? Its funny how it all works. I can see it in my mind!! when reminded of so many good memories. I did get over it and see
things that happened later.I remember wonderful times with my sisters and cousins on a swinging bridge in Stony fork KY. So how messed up can a kids mind me??
My mom and Dad were from Appalachia. I was too I guess but we moved to Cincinnati and from then on it was always the summers for me. They always called it "down home" It was a horrible memory, it really was, I was also reminded tonight that I did get over it !! Now, I dont know if I really saw her or I just layed awake that night listening to my parents!! I think I saw it but I may have been just young and impressionable. I can see my mom and dad not letting me see all that but I can also see me staying up that night and hearing them talk. the details. Who could sleep after that?? Its funny how it all works. I can see it in my mind!! when reminded of so many good memories. I did get over it and see
things that happened later.I remember wonderful times with my sisters and cousins on a swinging bridge in Stony fork KY. So how messed up can a kids mind me??

Messed up enough to recover I guess!
I really do believe I never played in that yard again and my sister told me tonight it did take me a couple of years but I did start to play with them again. Some of the best times of my life as I was reminded!
OMG Tess that's terrible for a young memory.
So grateful to live in NZ; worst thing we have is a whitetail spider or Katipo spider; pretty harmless really.
My Mum lived in South Africa until 45 years ago when she came here. She still shakes out her gumboots.
45 years. Truly.

LMAO....What the hell is a gumboot Chic?? Not making fun!!! Surly not of you!! It just anything about our different and heritage. Then its just funny!! lol
We have timber rattlers, but the most common poisonous snake around Georgia is probably a copperhead.
LMAO....What the hell is a gumboot Chic?? Not making fun!!! Surly not of you!! It just anything about our different and heritage. Then its just funny!! lol

Laughing... um, rubber boots, like we wear on the farm!
One of our North Island towns even has a corrugated iron one (pic).
And Fred Dagg does a song! Pretty old now, but cool!

Consider the gumboot education begun :slp


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