RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin Peach Chardonnay

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Apr 3, 2008
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Just saw an Orchard Breezin topic and though I'd give an update on my experience with the Peach Chardonnay.

Over the last year I tried two OB Peach Chardonnay kits. The first I made exactly per the instructions. Many people love it. One friend who does not care for wine loves it. Mywife finds it too sweet, as I suspected she might.We boththink it has a fantastic flavor, but is a bit sweet.

The second kit I made as Wade ,I believe, suggested some time ago. I bumped the SSG with sugar to about 1.090 and reserved half the f-pac until after fermentation.Still a great flavor butnot as sweet .EVERYONE who has tried this one loves it, including my Better Half. Thanks again for the suggestion! I hope to keep thisin stock .
Do you think the S.G. level at the outset was about right, or would you add more sugar from the get-go? Also, if you had to do it over again, would you consider adding the whole f-pac at the beginning, instead of only half?
I think they are perfect and would not push the sg any further myself. Glad to be of help!

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