No more sleeping in

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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2008
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While not wine related, my 7 month stretch of unemployment is about to come to an end. I got a job in the IT dept. of a local print shop doing what sounds like basically what I was doing prior to being laid off. The only thing I dread is having to get up early in the AM again.

Glad to hear you are employed again. Business has been picking up at my work finally and I have been finally getting some OT again after a 2 1/2 year stint without so that really helps.
It's kinda funny... sometimes at the end of a wild crazy night, I jump on the forum here before I crash out, and Waldo will be online. (he is awake before I have gone to bed)

....or wait.... maybe Waldo is more of a party animal then we know????
runningwolf said:
Awesome, congratulations. I love getting up early in the morning. Not like Waldo at 4am though.

4AM...Hell I done had my shower and working on my 2nd cup of coffee by then runningwolf
Congrats on the job. I know it was rough. My wife was unemployed for 5 months and it was a huge hit to our household. She is finally back to work but her income is less than half of what it was on the past.

I agree to, getting up early stinks. I work rotating shifts of a month of days, month of nights etc. When I am on days like now, I am up at 04:00 myself. It takes me forever to awaken fully so I have to drink coffee and read the forums cor an hour or so before I even get moving. I just keep thinking, 2 more weeks and I get to go back to night shift. Night shift is nice in the summer in South Louisiana. Was 101F yesterday with like 90% humidity.
Congrats on getting a new job. :)
I'm trying to upgrade my job at the moment.
I'm tired of missing out on time with the family by working all weekend.
Been applying for jobs within the county government that have actual benefits and a decent pay rate.
Hey Tony

glad to hear the news - and that you are back to work.

now you can buy more wine 0 heh heh heh

good luck
