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    • R
      Rlehman reacted to hounddawg's post in the thread Mulberry wine with Like Like.
      heating can lock in protein haze sometimes, I never heat anything, freezing breaks up the cell walls and allows the fruit to turn loose...
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      Rlehman replied to the thread Mulberry wine.
      Thanks Dawg. I put the mulberries in a pot then just added enough water that I could see it brought to a boil for a few minutes then ran...
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      Rlehman replied to the thread Mulberry wine.
      Thanks Rice Guy, what yeast did you use? I was thinking D47 but didn’t know if there’s a better choice.
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      Wife and I picked a 5 gallon bucket full of mulberries this afternoon. Anyone have a 5 gallon recipe? Looking at the trees should get at...
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      Rlehman replied to the thread Paw Paws!.
      Definitely a big berry, that's cool you can find patches springing up in the woods not really a thing around me. Have a good weekend.
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      Rlehman replied to the thread Paw Paws!.
      I don't know about the lucky part it would be nice to have some more trees without buying them. I'm wonder if the one's I bought were...
    • R
      Rlehman replied to the thread Paw Paws!.
      The late frost put a hurting on my paw paws last year. Looked at them Monday and they were loaded. Best crop ill have to date. I planted...
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