newbee from upstate NY

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Oct 1, 2010
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OK so I have been lurking for a while and thought it would be a good time to introduce myself. I started making wine spring of 2010 with a batch of dandelion then we went and picked some strawberry's so there is another batch then the blueberry's were ready to pick that we have. Now I have a batch of Skeeter Pee going. The name I use is from 20 years in the sawmill fortunately I got out a few years ago and now work for a local laminating company sure don't miss working out side this time of year. I have a small wood turning business, am building a hot rod and have a small apple orchard (frost got them this year or there would have been some apple wine too). Mark
Welcome Mark, sorry to hear about the apples! Next year if youn get some apples try making some Cyser which is apples and honey fermented together instead of using sugar. It takes a little longer tpo come around as most meads do but damn is it worth it!
Thanks for the welcome. I am about an hour east of Binghamton NY. My wife and I like to do winery tours and did Cayuga lake this past summer maybe Seneca lake next year.:h I like to keep busy. My wife didn't think I had time for making wine. My philosophy is you make time for the things you want to do. Apples and honey sounds good used to have bees too, there is a couple bee keepers around. Mark
Wine is a hobby that time is of no importance and actually prefers to sit around waiting in the dark. Except while you are in the first phase of coarse. Once you have sulfites in there protecting it time is on your side.
Welcome to the be careful you don't become a crazy wino like the rest of us its an obsession that you can't stop
Welcome and think he is past being careful sounds obsessed already:r
Obsessed really?:r My wife is pretty much used to it. I usually jump in a new hobby with both feet and she likes wine:dg I just have to make it on the sweet side which is fine by me. My daughters and there family's were over when I had to bottle the last batch and helped, we had a blast:db Mark
:br There you go nothing like an obsession that the whole family can be a part of... Welcome!
Thanks for the welcome. I am about an hour east of Binghamton NY. My wife and I like to do winery tours and did Cayuga lake this past summer maybe Seneca lake next year.:h I like to keep busy. My wife didn't think I had time for making wine. My philosophy is you make time for the things you want to do. Apples and honey sounds good used to have bees too, there is a couple bee keepers around. Mark

Hey there brother New Yorker! Sounds like you are in the Elmira area. I used to teach at Tioga Center.

Welcome to the forums!
OK so I have been lurking for a while and thought it would be a good time to introduce myself. I started making wine spring of 2010 with a batch of dandelion then we went and picked some strawberry's so there is another batch then the blueberry's were ready to pick that we have. Now I have a batch of Skeeter Pee going. The name I use is from 20 years in the sawmill fortunately I got out a few years ago and now work for a local laminating company sure don't miss working out side this time of year. I have a small wood turning business, am building a hot rod and have a small apple orchard (frost got them this year or there would have been some apple wine too). Mark

Howdy sawburner! Welcome to the forum.

You sound like a very busy bee!

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