Life is a Beach!

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You guys need to check your palms for hair.......

This is who you seem to think is a "dude".......

They is no one else here but us "chickens"....... Its "off" season for sure....


runningwolf said:
Al Fulchino said:
is it me or is that two guys swinging in that hammock ? :)

I zoomed in as far as my computor would allow and the person facing away is wearing mens shoes and the person facing us is a man. Sounds like more confessions when Mike returns!
Sure looks like a damn fine woman to me. You 2 need to get out of the winery more often!
Looks like hefting those carboys around is agreeing with you Mike. But, uh, I thought your wife was blonde??
I am shocked . . . not at what I see but that some of your stuff makes it through my company's internet filters. Good thing I own the company! Gotta go chat with my IT guy.
appleman said:
Mike posted the wrong picture. I think he meant to post this one.

LMAO Now thats the Mike we've come to know! Mike, must feel great to come out once in a while! I know, "don't ask, don't tell". I think you better schedule some extra time with Father Al when you get back.
I'm ashamed of myself now. I was behaving myself up to this point, but that picture just begged for a bit of tweaking (not to mention the one in the "bottom" left corner).
I don't think y'all are giving Mike enough credit for his consumption abilities.
So getting back on track here. Are you still down there? If so, what the heck are you logged on here for? If you are back hame, tell us more about the trip.

Still here! We fly out on Saturday back to the states and then fly home on Sunday. We have been going to the beach every day and doing some day trips. Took out a little Hobie Cat yesterday for a few hours. Bought some fresh Conch from one of the locals and made Conch Salad for dinner last night. This AM we are headed to a place called Light House Beach. Only accessible via 4WD. Pink sand! Been doing some reading and getting sunburned....

We have good wireless in the Condo (when it is working).

Will post more pics later.