Hi from Connecticut

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Feb 24, 2011
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Hello, I have been stalking this sight for close to a year and a half now after becoming discouraged by my last forum. I figure it’s about time to say hello. I have been making kits and country wines for about 8 years now. Kits, fruits and flowers, it’s all good.

So about 2 hours ago I was bottling a Muscato kit and was about half way through it when as I was corking a 1500 ml bottle it broke or should I say exploded. The corker hit me between my eyes and sent my glasses flying after slicing the bridge of my nose. Needless to say wine and glass everywhere along with blood splattered all over the floor and my laundry room. After cleaning up the mess the first thing that went through my mind was this was a perfect way to introduce myself to the forum. So I humbly say, hello.

I figured some of you might be concerned so to put you all at ease I’ll answer the important question. Yes I finished bottling the rest.
Hi DomR

Welcome to winemakingtalk and shame on you for waiting so long to introduce yourself. LOL, glad to hear you finished bottling. Hopefully you were not seriously hurt.

So what else have you made?
Welcome Dom. I used to work in Bethany when Thermo Spas was located in the old indoor Tennis facility. I actually had a similar thing happen to me while bottling all my wine Sunday for the move that I forgot to mention here afterwords. I had a bottle shoot out of my Portuguese floor corker hitting the wall and shattering. Not quite as exciting and scary as yours but it sure made a nice mess.
I am fine, but boy was I surprised. Couldn't figure out why everything was blurry. Then I realized my glasses were gone. Could have been worse. If it was my jalapeno it might have burned.
Welcome! I'm still a complete rookie and am now in fear of using a floor corker. :D
If your in fear of using a floor corker then you should be crapping bricks if your using a dble lever hand corker!!!!! :<
How true. It was a double handled corker. Besides the cut on the bridge of my nose I woke up to a black and blue nose. My wife was at work when it happened. I hope people believe that.
Welcome! And thanks for the advice. I'll remember to buy a pair of safety glasses, or maybe a catchers mask when I pickup my first winemaking kit. Heck, might as well get some steel-toe boots and a full blown bio-hazard suite as well.