Hello from Southwest Ohio

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Junior Member
Jun 30, 2014
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Newby here just checking in. I have caught the wine kit bug. Several kits started. None in the bottle.

Hi tanddc

welcome! If you are any where near Cincinnati you might want to check into Listermanns winemaking store. They get the juice buckets that folks drive long ways to get. Next batch due will be from California, should be around Sept. Everybody will be talking juice buckets then, but at Listermanns you need to be ahead of the game since they do preorders only. I got some of the Chilean buckets, and the price and quality can't be beat.

http://listermannbrewing.com/ Web site is out of date, but direct email Chris

[email protected] to get on the email notification list about buckets.

Just got back from there. Got a dozen 1 litre EZ caps. Great for wine that's still a bit gassy.

Pam in cinti
Thanks to all for the warm welcome. I will have to checkout Listermanns. I am not ready to move up from kits yet but from their website it appears they have quite a selection.
Us southern Ohioans are taking over! We need to organize a meetup some day. Welcome!
i am starting with 10 liter kits. coastal red, diablo rojo, shiraz, and next week i am going to start a cab