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    • 4score
      4score replied to the thread A tale of 2 yeasts!.
      We have used it with Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Mourvèdre Rose.
    • 4score
      4score replied to the thread A tale of 2 yeasts!.
      Not that I was aware of....but I'll pay attention to that on my next bottle and see if I get that at all.
    • 4score
      4score replied to the thread A tale of 2 yeasts!.
      We are very pleased with 313 for our whites. The Chard tastes great....better than we had hoped. For reds, we use Prelude to start and...
    • 4score
      4score reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread red blend ideas with Like Like.
      I don't see that. Besides, the percentages don't have to be exact for those ratios to be a good starting point.
    • 4score
      4score replied to the thread Sourcing Lodi grapes.
      I've been buying fruit from CA commercial vineyards for over 10 years with no problems. Now if you're buying excess bulk "wine", that's...
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