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aka Mr. Butter Fingers
Nov 5, 2011
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Hi everyone!

I am new to the forums in both here and in wine making in general. I have been making kit wines for about four years now, mostly reds, and I am starting to make my own fruit wines. Right now I have a carboy full of Blueberry wine and another full of apple cranberry. I am looking forward to getting to know you all here and swapping some stories and tips.

Welcome to the forum, Jean. Lot's of fruit wine expertise on the forum.
Welcome fellow maritimer :)

I just transfered to my secondary last night my crab apple wine with apples I picked up in cap breton 2 weeks ago. I was wisiting my girlfriend who worked there for the last two years (she's moving back next weeend).

I've never made a wine kit before but I've made a dozen of fruit wine batches and so far I love it. It's more work (picking, washing, juicing etc) but the end results are great so far.

Make sure to read old posts, there's alot of knowledge in here!! :D

Jean, welcome as well!

Dont forget. When you purchase a kit, you are essentially paying for the "juice" concentrate/ This may be from an outstanding, once in a lifetime grape harvest somewher and only offered in a limited addition. It may also be just concentrated fruit jice.

If you look through any wine making catalog, you will find many options for concentrated juices. These are the very ones that come within a kit.

You of course will need to supply your own yeast, chemicals etc. But, not to worry.

Thats why this forum is here.

Many people disregard the fact that even frozen juice concentrate from your local store can be diluted and used to make some fantastic wine, provided it is 100% juice. Again, concentrated fruit juice you find in a kit is just that.

Wine making is like making chicken noodle soup. There are predetermined steps and procedures to follow, but your creativity is the only thing that will make it "YOUR" wine.

Welcome to a great forum, Jean. Lots of fun and knowledge on here and always good to add another Haligonian to the mix. Like you I've done primarily kit wines but recently started fruit wines and just started a concord grape wine a few weeks ago. It's a great hobby!
My wife and I are off to Avondale this afternoon to check out the new winery where they floated in the old church - have you been there?
My wife and I have been to Avondale a few times. Buy the Bliss if they have any of it left. I am not the largest fan of their reds but the Landing if their best one yet, even though it is a little young.

I didn't realize there a lot of locals around here but it is nice to see you all.

A local winery here has done an apple cranberry wine, that would be at Luckett Vineyards. I liked it but I found it too sweet. I intend on leaving mine on the dry side.

Had a great visit to the winery; it was incredible what they did to the church; you'd never know it was dragged in and plopped there.
I like big reds so none of them appealed to me. Didn't see any Bliss. I did buy a Bin 24 white wine - it's a Riesling. I never knew what bin numbers meant - thought it was a tank number or something. The owner explained that the 24 means the sweetness is 2 and the 4 is the number designating the grape type, in this case a Riesling.
Anyway, learned something new and had a great day.
We haven't been to Pete's place yet but will some day.
I agree with you on Avondale. It is a pretty impressive establishment. I was out there for their grand opening and my family and I were able to walk through some of the vines. The manager was harvesting table grapes and gave some to my kids, they loved it.

I am a fan of big bold reds too but I am having some difficulty in finding a Nova Scotia red that I truely enjoy. I sampled some of the Annapolis Highlands reds on Saturday and bought a few bottles, I will let you know how those go. I was going to open one on Saturday night but I opted for the l'Acadie Brut sparkling wine to go with my pizza, which was very tasty combination indeed. I would reccomend the l'Acacie in a second. I will be buying more of it.
Welcome as you can see already this is a great place to learn and teach!