I do. I have finally sourced a place to get Black Currant here in Ct. so even though I have a decent supply of Black Currant from Vintners Harvest base Im going to make some from their frozen fruit. Thats all this place does as they make juice and sell it to grocery stores, wish they also sold other fruit beside just the Black Currant. Ive made Cranberry, Strawberry/Kiwi, Raspberry, Crab Apple and many others. I make some melomels with these fruits also.
I make wine out of fresh fruit and anything I can find Blueberry. strawberry. plum, grapes. peaches, Fig, dandelion, persimmon, elderberry. work schedule has kept me out of it for a few months, but I hope to get back into it soon.I still have three Gallons of teaberries in the freezer to do something with
Teaberrys taste like teaberry Ice creme a flavor all there own. It is the berry of the American wintergreen, Thay do not taste like wintergreen. I think we went through this a few months ago. Anyway not finding a recipe that looked good to me I guess I will wing it and see how it turns out
I make fruit wines, although my first lot was a kit and I plan to try more of those.
I have made a passionfruit, an apple and a peach lot is my latest.
Ive also made a potato one and and a dandelion. Only been going since early February so nothing much to show so far!
My feijoa tree is bearing fruit now so Im gathering that for my next lot and I want to make blackberry too which I can do now that I have just brought myself another car so I can go visit the orchard! YAY! Havent had a car for various reasons on and off for the past 12 months!
I enjoy making fruit wines and regular wines also but most of all i like blending both to creat my own special footprint on my hobby,done most real fruits....trying to make a coconut wine next or at least a great liquior...
I have made several fruit wines from both fresh and frozen fruits, as well as dried. My favorites are mixed berry for a quick red wine using montrchet yeast, and strawberry. I have also made blueberry (almost done fermenting), peach, and am currently making pineapple.
Leave it in during the primary fermentation. When you rack to a carboy the first time discard the fruit and sediments. I like to squeeze it daily to wring out all the color and flavour. Keep us posted.