Explosion sets off house alarm

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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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First off let me say we are all okay. It was about 3am this morning when my house alarm starts blaring with simultaneous crashing and exploding sounds. You see we sleep with door, window, glass, smoke and motion detectors all armed ( I also never sit with my back to the door ). Anyway I jump out of bed and grab a Louisville Slugger and creep over to my locked bedroom door. Soon the phone rings and my wife answers, it's the alarm company wanting to know if everything is okay. She says "Who knows, my husband is creeping around in his underwear carrying a bat, the damn alarm is still blaring and we keep hearing crashing noises". The alarm guy said the cops are on the way and to stay in our bedroom as the alarm was set off from a sensor in the opposite side of the house. I put the bat down long enough to pull some pants on and await the police. They were here in a flash (small town). My wife still has the alarm guy (Tim) on the phone who says the cops don
t see a point of forced entry and I do I want them to bust open the front door. I said no that my room was actually quite close to the front door and I would let them in. They come in and begin looking around with their flash lights which seemed weird since we HAVE electric lights but I didn't dawn on me to turn any on. So we make our way into the kitchen heading towards the utility area (where the alarm was set off). Looking down one of the cops (the cute blonde female) noticed what appeared to be blood, lots and lots of blood, too much blood, on the kitchen floor trailing back to the utility room. Just then another loud pop and crash, both cops jump and take defensive positions. One yells at me to run back to the bedroom and lock it. I'm standing there with a smirk on my face and Louisville still at the ready. I said "I think I can take care of this without additional bloodshed, I mean wine shed". That drew a very puzzled "Sir?" from the blonde. Then I began to explain that I make wine and some of the bottles must be exploding. We proceed into the utility room guns holstered and bat at rest to find glass and wine covering the floor and mess everywhere. My wife who has been following us through the house in her nightgown, staying one room behind us at all times, sees the mess and goes berserk yelling at me. The cute blonde cop starts agreeing with her and spouting disparaging things about her husband. The guy cop starts laughing hysterically and asks me if he should call for backup! I said "no, take some wine and your partner and just go".
LOL Tony that is too funny! Probably wasn't funny at the time............Glad that's all it was and not anything worse! Stinks about all that wine though!
lmfao, that is truly funny from a third party point of view. Although in the middle of the night it is not so funny, not knowing if someone is in the house. Then when you realize it is exploding bootles, and the reality of all the lost wine sets in, the only thing left to do is????? Start a new batch of wine. Rack this up to experience.
Okay, hope y'all enjoyed my "story", got to go to Church and confess this. APRIL FOOLS!
You've got too much time on your hands to make that up. You got me good!!
Just wait, this may not be over yet, you might get a fine for setting off explosive devices within city limits without a permit.
Got calls now and again about bats in the hose.

Man, at times I was temped to take the 12 ga. in the house and blast away at it. :slp
Glad y'all enjoyed.
That was funny. Thank God it was an April Fools joke. But I must admit I felt sorry for you a little, all that hard work down the drain, so I thought. Keep up the good spirits, laughing is good for the morale.
Ciao,Ciao Pat

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