Carboy cleaning

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Every so often someone will post up about how to clean their carboy. I and some others have always recommended using oxyclean to clean your carboys. I had a carboy that was very stained, I added one scoop of oxyclean and let the carboy sit for about an hour, then drained the water. Below are before and after pics


I went and bought a cleaner from my supply store and when I opened it my first thought was, this is no more then oxyclean. I could smell it as soon as I opened it. Live and learn. I will be buying Oxyclean from now on. Looks good Julie
what is the difference between Oxyclean and Onestep cleaner?

Carboy Look good Julie.
So good, I will be shipping all my carboys your way for the same treatment!

Is everyone referring to the product you get at the grocery store? Liquid or powder?
Actually I used my grocery store brand of oxyclean, it comes in a 3 1/2 pound tub and it is a powder.
Thanks guys, I assume it's less work than making a bleach and water soaking solution?
Nice job.

So was the carboy just filled with water and cleaner (which is how the post seems to read) or was it also a shake and slosh job?
ckvchestnut, you need to just keep the bleach out of your wine room. Bleach will cause cork taint and while this is a carboy, it is best just to stay away from bleach.

bkisel, yes just filled and leave for about an hour and the drain and rinse.
Thanks Julie! Ya we only ever used a weak bleach solution on carboys but I'm going to make the switch.
I have laways used nothing but Oxyclean. Thanks for reminding everyone, Julie! NO BLEACH!
Every so often someone will post up about how to clean their carboy. I and some others have always recommended using oxyclean to clean your carboys. I had a carboy that was very stained, I added one scoop of oxyclean and let the carboy sit for about an hour, then drained the water. Below are before and after pics

How does a carboy get like that in the first place?
How does a carboy get like that in the first place?

Making wine from grapes. That was from a batch of Muscadine. And that was around the fourth racking I did for that batch, it was started last fall.
I use tsp to clearn with and a dryer vent brush that fits on a drill. works very well.after tsp cleaning I use one finish with.
Just a note, some of the store brand Oxiclean knockoffs contain chlorine. Be sure to read the labels.
Just a note, some of the store brand Oxiclean knockoffs contain chlorine. Be sure to read the labels.

Thanks for that. I always read labels, but I didn't know that about the OxyClean Knock offs
I have been looking for the OxiClean - but I am only finding it in the laundry soap section --- What specifically should I be looking for on the label to be sure I am getting the right thing that is not going to mess up my wine?

I have been looking for the OxiClean - but I am only finding it in the laundry soap section --- What specifically should I be looking for on the label to be sure I am getting the right thing that is not going to mess up my wine?


It typically has a green top and is
dye - perfume - and chlorine free

yes you can find it in the laundry soap section