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Senior Member
May 2, 2011
Reaction score
So this is my latest find from Craigslist! I got the carboys for $5 each, everything else (corker, press and crusher) for $65. The corker looks to be at least 40-50 years old, I am in awe of it! I'm not sure how big the press is, there isn't a number on it. It is all pretty old, but other than a little dusty, in excellent condition! For some reason WMT isn't letting me upload the close up pics of the stuff.....but here is a pic of all of it!

Great find you will get a lot of good use out of them
You're a brat, if you see someone on your back porch it's not me. LOL congratulations!:try
Just wanna find out what she's doing to get all this stuff so cheap wonder if she's packin when she goes to talk to them about price??
WTG ... guess I'd better check CL more often.
What a deal ... congrats!

hehe ... I see you've got a cozy carboy in the background too.
Have you tried the corker yet? Intriguing design. It looks like it raises the bottle to the corking peg when you pull the handle down. Maybe you can get a picture of just that piece. I love your find.
Good find, Sarah. It might help make up for yur crashing carboys. You start getting all those carboys full, best make sure your tables are really sturdy. Arne.
Sarah, when you are right no one remembers, when you make a mistake no one forgets. :slp

No kidding! Here I thought I had gotten away with making a thread without Dan making a comment about it! I'm actually looking into some more durable table options with our tax return this year, as well as a utility sink. Sam's Club had a few work benches that have a weight limit of 1000 lbs that I would probably be able to put a few carboys onto.
Sarah I looked at those also. They look like they would do a good job. If you're not overly concerned about looks you could have someone build you a bench much stonger with 2x4'S and plywood. You could even use 4x4's for legs and floor tiles for your surface. Doing this would allow you comfortable space to go two deep on the bench and as long as you like adding more support legs.
Great find! I wish I could run across a deal like that.
Have you tried the corker yet? Intriguing design. It looks like it raises the bottle to the corking peg when you pull the handle down. Maybe you can get a picture of just that piece. I love your find.

I did try the crusher! After tightening a few bolts and cleaning it off a little bit, worked better than my Port. floor corker. It doesn't bring the bottle to the cork, but it has a chain and some sort of weighted mechanism that holds the bottle to where the cork goes in. I took some close-ups of it, but for some reason the forum wouldn't let me post them (but it let me post the other pic). I'll try taking a few with my phone later and see if it works. It is cast iron and really heavy duty. It is a "La Super Bloc". I tried googling the name but couldn't find much on it.