Wine Appriecation class

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Apr 2, 2008
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So myself and some family and family friends are taking a wine appriecation class at the University of Rochester this fall. My cousin and uncle did it a few years back and wanted to take it again so I figured what the hell! You sample usually 15 wines per class, including some $100+ wines.
Hopefully I'll learn a bit and enjoy some good wines! I'll be a wine snob yet
Mike, go for it. You will come away with much knowledge!!! Let us know how the class goes (details). and what you are experiencing.

Ramona, BTW.....I am welcoming you to the forum!!!!!
Wade, its $295 for the class. Its five classes, 3 hours each. A little steep, but its supposed to be a real good time and you do walk away with some knowledge.
Thanks Ramona!
Thats not too bad since you are sampling 75 wines and some are $100'ers. Sounds like a lot of fun.
its good to know the chararistics of a wine,and classes like this one will teach that part of wine making that is foreige to a lot of wine makers (what is a true cab,or what is meant buy a grassy taste,long on nose ,and the suttle things that are expressed in a wine good and not so good,so that when you make ,one should have and idea of what it should taste like or at least and idea,if you never made it before, a good sharaza, them making one you then knoe the high points.
I make the wine but do not really drink to much of it. At least at first! You see, my better half really likes wine and has a definate appreciation of quality, not so much cost. She will purchase a few styles of wine which I endeavor to produce properly and she has me taste them to determine if what I am making is close. I have improved on my abilities to differentiate betweentastes and produce better wines in the process. I do however have a long way to go!

I like the idea of a Wine Appreciation class though. A local college offers this course as a non-credit course which we may take together in the future.

Edited by: bmckee56