Why hasn't fermentation started?

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Oct 10, 2010
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I'm on day two since adding yeast to two carboys from the same chardonay grapes. One is really cooking, the other is doing nothing. Should I keep the faith, and keep waiting, or add some of the active batch to the inactive batch? Everything that I've done to the active batch, I've done to the other, so I'm puzzled. The temperature is between 70-80 degrees. I used the same yeast (Lalvin K1-V 116) for both.
Yes, switch some of the must around. Maybe one of the packets was no good or maybe you over heated one packet when rehydrating it with hot water.
I wouldn't airlock until I transferred to secondary around 1.01-1.02 SG.
Make sure the lids are locked down good also if your going by the bubbles. This also means you'll need the air lock in. I agree with putting some of the working must in the other container. I had the same situation, only to realize on lid didn't have a good seal letting the gas escape there instead of the air lock. It was actually fermenting just fine.
Most recipes recommend it initially, as the yeast needs oxygen to start with.

If your wine is happily bubbling away.. I'd leave it to get on with it..

Sounds like it is doing just fine.


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